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Yo bro June 15, 2017 3:01 am

Never wanted to punch a shoujo MC so much until Serinuma did what she did. I get that she's supposed to be this "otaku cliche" type of fujoshi girl, but what kind of human being skips their boyfriends family funeral to go to an anime convention? What the hell! Then she treats her boyfriend as if he's some kind of Buddha that will just forgive anything she does. Including going out with some dude Senpai hardly knows about without telling him. Gtfo of here Kae. Bet you'll miss your wedding too how easily swayed you are. (︶︿︶)=凸

Hopefully someone knocks some sense into Serinuma! Senpai is too sweet to get tossed aside like that. Plus I'm a little worried on what that glasses guy is planning.. (/TДT)/

    Anonymous June 15, 2017 3:14 am

    LOL I can really imagine with Kae's personality that she really will miss her own wedding