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mari-chan June 16, 2017 1:42 pm

Koharu and that handsome guy end together!!!!! Although I feel sorry for Aya( I'd remember her name) she had an unrequired love for that guy but he never even relised it! That's y I don't like clueless or too smart men.If their clueless that's it! And if their extra smart and like get the vibe tgatyou like them and they don't it's that stressful feeling of self awareness, you know that they know how you feel but they don't say it cause they don't feel the same way,I get that but it's like they are looking down on you in some way I know not all people are like that,but the vast majority are!

    Abrigel July 28, 2018 7:16 pm

    Finally..found someone.. who thinks like me..

    mari-san July 28, 2018 11:16 pm
    Finally..found someone.. who thinks like me.. Abrigel

    Same here,I greet you my friend

    meplusu September 6, 2020 2:53 am

    Their tiny one shot extra at the end was so interesting. I NEED a whole manga about them now.