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My review

Tikineko June 17, 2017 5:45 am

I reeallly liked the first one till it ended so like sad but lovely becuz I Mean like it was sweet but I didn't want it to end this way but when thinking upon it the only other options were running away or be killed but that is the nice thing about it becuz killing is the ultimate way of living ones other.The second one since the beginng the black hair guy kept on talking bout the goddess I thought he was it and it was plan obvious the other guy was the one who was supposed to return and somehow it seems like the had memories of the past coming close to the end and like I thought it was so cute the ending was the best I really enjoyed it.The third one was unbelievably annoying to me becuz I thought lulu would be together with the one who found him like that was to be expected but when upon finding that other guy and how lulu treated him and used up all his time with lon j got angry so I just skipped to the ending maybe this is only me.The last one I skipped didn't like it ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
