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dymanda June 17, 2017 10:00 pm

Is it me that thought ren was the recarnaton of Ei and Akihiko is the recarnation of the other dude that Ei meet. did anyone else notice that Ren and akihiko both look like the people in the past.

    Nobody August 2, 2017 9:34 pm

    Now that you say it! It all makes sense now! That's why they love each other so much even in different periods when they were different people ( might be wrong but fk it), (also i believe even if ei was still in love with akihiko he did have some feelings for the artist, just like akihiko loves ren even if he still thinks of Ei sometimes) if your theory is true then, in fact everyone gets to be with the one they love without realising it lol. "When we will see each other again" doesn't sound so lonely anymore when you think about the reincarnation scenario. I'm well aware that i'm probably wrong but, this is what i want to believe in because that's romantic for one and two i just want everyone to be happy haha ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    (even if everything i wrote is bs i still love the superb bitter sweet manga, it's lovely with a bit of loneliness and mystery, the end leaves us the freedom to think whatever we want, maybe they will see each other maybe not and that makes it intriguing, i just loved this series!)

    Olive love January 31, 2018 9:41 am

    No Ren is the reincarnation of Ei and Akihito is the reincarnation of shio, they were blood related to begin with