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The old days on Mangago...

Kal June 19, 2017 3:52 pm

When there weren't any (or there were very few) trollers, spammers, and people who say cruel things while hiding behind their screens.

Please tell me that there used to be days without all that, because I cannot remember.

    Anonymous June 19, 2017 4:00 pm

    Remember.... years ago, when this site was super helpful? Anyone had a question in the comments or a request and it would be answered quickly without fail? The days when people got help from Kathy and Agnes.... Now it's just "following" or spam.

    Anonymous June 19, 2017 4:04 pm

    ive been on this site for more than 6 years, there's always a troll whether you like it or not
    gfy dumbass

    Anonymous June 19, 2017 4:17 pm
    Remember.... years ago, when this site was super helpful? Anyone had a question in the comments or a request and it would be answered quickly without fail? The days when people got help from Kathy and Agnes....... @Anonymous

    ohhh kathy, haven't seen her for awhile, were not close and she doesn't know me but i always see her before replying and answering questions. I still see agnes sometimes tho.... (were not close too) and yeah a lot of ppl have now treated this section like their own fb feed.
    gfy ppl. gfy

    mina June 19, 2017 4:24 pm

    Ikr? since when did people in this site became so extremely rude and judgmental? I used to ask question before about yaoi and anything else and people always help me especially KYOZANA san. but just few days ago when I'm asking for yaoi list with molested theme cause its my kink, I've been molested a few times, I feel terrified but aroused at the same time, I was being honest but then the anon people start to bash at me, telling me to take a gun and shot my head, and calling me seeking attention whore, ever since then I was too afraid to ask question anymore.

    Kal June 19, 2017 4:41 pm
    Ikr? since when did people in this site became so extremely rude and judgmental? I used to ask question before about yaoi and anything else and people always help me especially KYOZANA san. but just few days ag... @mina

    I used to be an anonymous user for quite a while and I asked quite a lot of questions and answered too.

    But now I think it would be a good idea if the admins put a restriction, that only users who have logged in for a certain amount of days can ask questions, answer questions, leave comments, and send private messages.

    It probably would be a huge headache and take a lot of work, but they could also have admin-monitors that report or flag things. And if certain users are flagged too many times, they could get banned from commenting, question asking, answering, and PMing for a while. [Now it feels like a game forum.( ̄∇ ̄")]

    An June 19, 2017 4:51 pm
    Ikr? since when did people in this site became so extremely rude and judgmental? I used to ask question before about yaoi and anything else and people always help me especially KYOZANA san. but just few days ag... @mina

    I think that what happened was that you gave unnecessary personal information which caused no one to take the question seriously, with the exception of maybe one person. It's fine if it's your kink but there's no reason to say you've been molested when asking for manga. If I remember correctly, your wording made it sound like it wasn't a big deal (I think you even said "I wasn't traumatized by it"). You weren't seeking advice or sympathy from your molestation so it looked as if you were attention seeking. It may not have been the case, but it seemed like something another troll would say.

    I replied to that question, not sure if you saw it but I suggested you leave out the bit about being molested next time you ask for manga.

    Anonymous June 19, 2017 5:04 pm
    ive been on this site for more than 6 years, there's always a troll whether you like it or notgfy dumbass(▰˘◡˘▰) @Anonymous

    More than six years? So you're telling me your parents let their toddler onto a site full of porn?

    Anonymous June 19, 2017 5:35 pm
    More than six years? So you're telling me your parents let their toddler onto a site full of porn? @Anonymous

    oh yeh bby mah saggy ass has been on this site since i was a toddy

    poisen.ivy June 19, 2017 5:37 pm

    just don't pay attention to them. or laugh about them. I remember back - there was once "yaoi is a sin" its still a running gag for me! and if it 'itch' you - you can also reply. if you get mails with "shot yourself" please report it (you can contact the admins) you know maybe someday an emotional weak person get something like this..... and never be bothered bec somebody insult you bec of yaoi! I mean I love horror movies you know- and? go I around wiht a axe? am I nuts bec. I like yaoi or horror?
    mwahahahahah maybe yes (*≧ω≦*) just be proud to be diffrent from the crowd!!!!

    Anonymous June 19, 2017 5:38 pm
    I think that what happened was that you gave unnecessary personal information which caused no one to take the question seriously, with the exception of maybe one person. It's fine if it's your kink but there's ... @An

    who are you An, why are you so level headed. don't point that out, that's more savage than trolling attention whores.

    x_x June 19, 2017 6:03 pm

    in the past, there weren't as many mangagoers. now new manga get 2000 votes easily but you can see old manga don't have as many votes. that's coz there has been a surge in the user count. Trolls increase proportionally to the users.

    An June 19, 2017 6:08 pm
    who are you An, why are you so level headed. don't point that out, that's more savage than trolling attention whores.(▰˘◡˘▰) @Anonymous

    Just another anon, level headedness seems to be such a rarity among anons.
    Savage? You sure about that?

    Kal June 19, 2017 6:17 pm
    Just another anon, level headedness seems to be such a rarity among anons.Savage? You sure about that? @An

    You are right, level-headedness is a rarity.
    I hope we'll get to see more of this 'rarity'.
    Mangago really needs it.