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Here I go with another explosion of brain vomit. You have been warned. LOL Chicks in Yao...

Mameiha June 20, 2017 2:54 am

Here I go with another explosion of brain vomit. You have been warned. LOL

Chicks in Yaoi (and a surprisingly increasing number in real life) have the most repugnant sense of entitlement. "I have a vagina. Ergo, I am entitled to the attention of whomever I choose, regardless of their feelings on the matter. Should I have no desire for the attentions of a particular person, I am also entitled to treat them as if they are less than feces and/or destroy their lives. I am further entitled to get away with attempting to destroy, and/or succeed at destroying, the relationships and/or lives of those I consider rivals in personal matters or business, due to the grace of vagina ownership. I need not earn respect, I am automatically entitled to it because vagina. I need not take responsibility for my actions or words because vagina. I should be immune to any suffering, discomfort or inconvenience because vagina." Honestly, it makes me want to vomit continuously for hours until I see the soles of the shoes I am wearing floating in the toilet. Perhaps it is because I was not coddled in my youth and learned quickly that what "vagina" earns you doesn't get you far and any "success" attained simply by the grace of vagina is shallow and empty. I do not wish to be treated as a man, nor do I wish to be treated as a woman. I prefer to be treated as a fellow human being, with civility and common courtesy. I would rather earn respect, acceptance, kindness or love. That which is not earned will be seen as having little value and taken for granted. If one can not obtain that which they desire by their own power and without special treatment or consideration, they are undeserving of it. Full stop.

Brain vomit complete. To those who take the time to read, thank you very much for your time and attention.

    Tolly November 30, 2019 5:22 pm

    The point you are making in this post is how I feel about the "Me-Too" movement. Which I believe hurts real victims more than anything and I will explain why.
    One - Not all women tell the truth, and even some who will cry rape, sexual assault, or sexual harassment because they want to be vengeful, or for political reasons, or just because. (this tends to make people not to want to believe even the real victims.)
    Two - All women should be believed and all men should be guilty without a trial. (so much for the justice system)
    Three - It is an outrage if this happens to a woman, but if it happens to a man he is told to man-up, no one believes them, it is swept away, and/or they are laughed at. (double standards much)
    I know this is how the "Me-Too" movement is in the US, I have seen it. I also have had all these things done to me and I still have a hard time believing every single female who cries wolf. (which saddens me because real victims do not deserve this, and not only that but I also feel that they feel pressured to come forward before they are ready to.)
    The "Me-Too" movement may have been started up with good intentions, but it has been missed used.

    Mameiha December 2, 2019 8:27 am
    The point you are making in this post is how I feel about the "Me-Too" movement. Which I believe hurts real victims more than anything and I will explain why.One - Not all women tell the truth, and even some wh... Tolly

    First, let me say... I love you! Second, if you were any more right, I would have to accuse you of being a deity! LMAO

    Now, back to the subject. I couldn't agree with you more on every topic... save one. I don't think anyone should be "forced" to come forward after a rape or sexual assault, but I do believe that anyone, male or female, should come forward as soon as humanly possible after a rape or sexual assault to ensure that not only is the perpetrator captured, but the number of their victims is restricted. Victims should be encouraged and supported to come forward. However, what they should not be is rewarded. That seems to be the current way of doing things. Victims, whether real or fake, are rewarded with attention and Facebook Likes. This drives me insane! I admire the courage it takes to come forward after a rape because I, myself am a rape survivor. I didn't have to "come forward" because my rape ended with me in a hospital, but I do understand the feelings of violation, shame and doubt that a person feels after that kind of experience. The excuse of not being ready actually translates as being afraid to face those feelings. And as much as I understand it, I also know that it only gets harder to face the longer you run away. I guess I believe if you have to eat a frog, you should swallow it whole and swallow it fast. LOL That said, coming forward should not be popularity contest. If you WANT attention after you have been raped, it should be the attention of the police who will capture and arrest your rapist, the prosecutors who will punish them, and the therapists and counselors who will help you get your life back and no one else. Sure, support from friends and family is huge, but total strangers? Why? I just don't get it.

    As for male victims of rape and sexual assault. I have a few friends who have had such experiences and I have interviewed several male victims while doing research for papers I have written while studying psychology. In my experience, the victims feel the same sense of violation, fear, doubt, shame, confusion and anger, regardless of their sex. So, the idea that a male victim should be treated in any way different from a female victim is preposterous.

    False rape accusations make me want to scream! The last time I checked... 2015, because I had to stop keeping up with it or I would have gone insane... In the US alone, there were over 35,000 false accusations of rape filed. And those were just the ones that they could prove were false on the face of the report! Anyone who does this deserves to be jailed for the same amount of time a rapist would get. They not only destroy the life of the person they are falsely accusing, they destroy the credibility of every real victim that comes after them.

    Don't get me started on how unfair our justice system is when it comes to men and women! Do you know that a woman can not, legally, be accused of raping a man? Because envelopment is not considered rape, only penetration is. Envelopment is considered sexual assault. Well, sexual assault has a minimum incarceration of 5 years and a maximum of seven years. But rape has a minimum of five years and a maximum of ten. That means a woman who rapes a man will get three years less jail time than a man who rapes a woman. Add to that the fact that statistically, women receive 60% of the incarceration time a man would receive and you have a double standard that make me want to puke. Feminists of my era fought for equality. I guess we only wanted to be equal for the good things and wanted special treatment when it came to the crappy stuff. Mind you, I'm an old school, woman empowerment feminist. I get paid like a man because I work like one. I don't take PMS days off and I don't shirk doing dirty, back breaking jobs. And I made $20 an hour when my male co-workers made $18. Not because I was a woman, but because I worked my ass off for every penny. And if I can work like a man, get paid like a man, I damn sure better be punished like a man if I commit a crime.

    Rape, the real life crime not the comic book/romance novel fantasy, is a horrible, ugly experience that stays with you for the rest of your life. It can destroy you, shape you or make you stronger. But it should never be used as an excuse to mock someone, treat them as less than or used to gain attention and rewards. There is a huge difference between support and reward.

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