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Cry me a River

kai June 20, 2017 2:57 am

That damn uke always got tears in his eyes! I bet he suffers from red eyes and dryness every damn day! Wipe dem tears dammit and grow a pair. Also if he says sorry one more time i will personally break his glasses and cackle over a cauldron like the wicked witch that i am

    Asexual Jane June 20, 2017 3:55 am

    I really hope he's just having a bad week. He said he was left alone at his last school and was cool with it, so I think the crying is a new development. But go ahead and whack him, maybe he'll reset to factory settings. Otherwise, send him back, his face is broken. I also hope the seme teaches him to throw a punch, or flip an attacker, or something to deal with the situation other than bawling his eyes out. It worries me that he went from "You're weak" to "You're mine".

    kai June 20, 2017 1:40 pm
    I really hope he's just having a bad week. He said he was left alone at his last school and was cool with it, so I think the crying is a new development. But go ahead and whack him, maybe he'll reset to factory... @Asexual Jane

    Factory setting but i hope so, i just can't believe hw can cry and apologize so much hopefully he wipes his tears and learn some defense moves or something cuz crying is not gonna save u. But a bad week maybe, but damn i just hope it's not a uke that cries every episode.

    Anonymous June 20, 2017 8:58 pm
    Factory setting but i hope so, i just can't believe hw can cry and apologize so much hopefully he wipes his tears and learn some defense moves or something cuz crying is not gonna save u. But a bad week maybe, ... kai

    (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

    Anonymous June 20, 2017 9:07 pm
    (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ @Anonymous

    Hmmm if I'm not wrong,saying 'Sorry' countless time without a proper reason is a result from constant abuse (physical/mental).The uke probably have many unpleasing memories and it seems like it grows within him so seeing him being weak willed kinda explain well because his mentality hasn't
    changed due to the continuous abuse he received since young.In addition to that,I didn't see any defense or even support from anyone to his side (except the seme),this probably destroy his confidence to stand up for himself (thinking maybe he deserves this,somehow people forget their rights).

    It's understandable why he's acting up this way.This is just my theory though lololol hopefully he can improve to be stronger to fight back :')

    BakaButler June 20, 2017 9:16 pm
    Factory setting but i hope so, i just can't believe hw can cry and apologize so much hopefully he wipes his tears and learn some defense moves or something cuz crying is not gonna save u. But a bad week maybe, ... kai

    Maybe he's Canadian, calm yourself. Also, from the whole 'lightsaber' thing, I'd say he's had an f-ed up childhood. Probably suffering from PTSD

    Anonymous June 21, 2017 2:41 am

    So women are weak and useless because they can't grow a pair? The misogyny is strong in this comment. If you can't help the misogyny then why do YOU think he should be able to help the crying? Why don't you find the people who make him cry annoying if you're a 'wicked witch'? Last I checked actual wicked witches ran AGAINST the norm of victim blamers and bullies crying about being bullied because they can't bully others without consequence. The wicked witch trope is older than the Salem witch trials sweetcheeks. And since we're talking about tropes, implied or not, no you really can't say anything about the age of the trope I'm using... unless you want to make YOURSELF look even more ridiculous than I already find you. Ktbn.

    Anonymous June 21, 2017 3:04 am
    I really hope he's just having a bad week. He said he was left alone at his last school and was cool with it, so I think the crying is a new development. But go ahead and whack him, maybe he'll reset to factory... @Asexual Jane

    No he didn't because he wasn't left alone. He was only left alone after TIME. And he never said he was cool with that. He JUST said that this school was different because they WONT get bored with it over time. Unfortunately that is probably the only reason that he has made friends with the glasses on in this school. Don't know how this was completely missed though...? So he's stuck in a rock and a hard place because of it so no wonder he's crying even IF he was fine with it at the previous school. Again though I don't know how this was completely missed...? Thanks.

    Also if it REALLY worried you that the seme went from saying you're weak to saying you're mine then you wouldn't have preceded it with all this victim blaming and excuses for an abuser to continue the abuse against their victim. Apparently in your and the OP's worlds only bullies are allowed to have feelings and yet WEIRDLY that doesn't dictate that you demand they grow a pair. But it doesn't concern me AT ALL because it's pretty clear to me that he's the ONLY one who actually ISN'T a bully here. He wasn't insulting Bun. He was merely pointing out what he saw as the truth. Ktbn.

    Anonymous June 21, 2017 3:12 am
    Factory setting but i hope so, i just can't believe hw can cry and apologize so much hopefully he wipes his tears and learn some defense moves or something cuz crying is not gonna save u. But a bad week maybe, ... kai

    No, people not being bullies is the only thing that will save you. Wonder why you didn't think of that yet the author DID? Because they're the ones who ACTUALLY know what a cliche is and isn't? UNsurprising, sadly.

    Anonymous June 21, 2017 4:23 am
    So women are weak and useless because they can't grow a pair? The misogyny is strong in this comment. If you can't help the misogyny then why do YOU think he should be able to help the crying? Why don't you fin... @Anonymous

    You're obnoxious. There was no sexism in that comment stop stretching what they said.

    kai June 21, 2017 11:57 am
    So women are weak and useless because they can't grow a pair? The misogyny is strong in this comment. If you can't help the misogyny then why do YOU think he should be able to help the crying? Why don't you fin... @Anonymous

    Okay first calm ur ass down, it was a joke and it flew over ur head! Second of all he does cry alot he had tears all the time in his eyes. The grow a pair is my favorite thing to say(as a damn joke), im a woman and for me it says have some back bone, not everyone is out here to disrespect women. Also the whole Salem shit im not gonna get into bcuz the wicked witch comment is from an anime. Also i dont believe in witches so i dont know how actual witches act i havent seen proof that they exist. Furthermore way to go trying to put me down, instead of trying to have a reasonable discussion you result to trying to demean me, luckily for u tho i. Don't give a fuck about ur opinion or ur feelings so excuse me while i cackle over my cauldron. Excuse yourself.

    kai June 21, 2017 12:01 pm
    Hmmm if I'm not wrong,saying 'Sorry' countless time without a proper reason is a result from constant abuse (physical/mental).The uke probably have many unpleasing memories and it seems like it grows within hi... @Anonymous

    I was thinking that maybe he shud try to learn some defense to protect himself. That wat i was going for. If you can't count on someone to save you, u gotta save yourself. Also the glasses thing can go so wrong as we can see how they fall off, he needs a back up plan with a back up plan for the back up plan i just want ppl to be strong for themselves cuz others can't. Plus my original post was all a joke. Nothing serious its about a fictional character with enchanting eyes for crying out loud lol

    kai June 21, 2017 12:04 pm
    Maybe he's Canadian, calm yourself. Also, from the whole 'lightsaber' thing, I'd say he's had an f-ed up childhood. Probably suffering from PTSD BakaButler

    Im very calm just telling a joke, lol and canadian my bestie canadian and she said all canadians are in their feelings everytime they about to eat.or something like that

    kai June 21, 2017 12:18 pm
    No, people not being bullies is the only thing that will save you. Wonder why you didn't think of that yet the author DID? Because they're the ones who ACTUALLY know what a cliche is and isn't? UNsurprising, sa... @Anonymous

    Yes that is true. But ur basing it off as in a perfect world. In reality bullying exist, and the best way to deal with bullying is to stand up for urself. I was bullied through high school. Want to know what i learned? Crying excites them, telling teachers, principals counselors. Couldnt do much unless it got really bad. I was bullied in front of a teacher, wanna know what they said" people can be assholes" i went to a counselor and she happen to give me two pieces of advice that stuck with me, 1. Have a back bone, dont let them get a reaction from u, appear bored with ur bully antics. If u interact with them kill them with kindness. #2 if they touch u defend yourself. Even if you lose the fight, DEFEND YOURSELF BECAUSE THEIR WILL ALWAYS BE SOMEONE OUT THERE WHO WILL TRY TO PUT YOU DOWN. you have to be the prince the princess and the Dragon in your own fairytale. So yeah i stand by my point crying wont save you, bystanders u but they might not. Only yourself can stop bullying or take more drastic measures. I dont care if the author wanted a cliche, im giving my opinion on something that i experienced. Crying doesn't help you.

    kai June 21, 2017 12:19 pm
    You're obnoxious. There was no sexism in that comment stop stretching what they said. @Anonymous

    Definitely stretched that out there but im done entertaining those who come to argue instead of having a discussion. Lol