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oh my gosh!!!!!!!!! RIZU WAS RAPED?! BY OTHER GUYS?!!my gosh!! rizu!!! is it a crime to be...

Sherlicous~ January 14, 2012 2:42 pm

oh my gosh!!!!!!!!! RIZU WAS RAPED?! BY OTHER GUYS?!!my gosh!! rizu!!! is it a crime to be so hot like you XD even miyuoshi love this pls update this too !!

    Zoey November 6, 2012 5:25 pm

    wow to bad, i really liked that. I could look at the raws but the only person i know who might be able to help translate is another mother in my daughters home school co-op and im not sure i want to share my "hobby" with this crew.

    Fetish Love January 19, 2014 2:26 am

    wasn't Rizu the guy with all the piercings?