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MindlessScribbles June 20, 2017 8:20 pm

Yes, I know this isn't the place for this boring old topic, but this is a place where I've come to feel very comfortable talking about personal issues on.
I've suffered with depression for about four years now, I'm 16, and I'm finding it very hard to deal with.
The worst part is the mix of depression and anxiety, which I've also suffered with for around about the same time.
I have suicidal thoughts so often these days, yet I'm too scared to act on them, I just want to stop thinking about it, and try and enjoy life...
Nothing seems to go right for me, I'm so lonely all the time, frustrated and anxious constantly.
The only time I'm completely happy is when I'm ice skating, but I can only
Go iceskating once a week, and am starting to have doubts about how much it costs every week, I work two jobs to earn the money to see the few friends I have and to go ice skating.
But I feel I've finally snapped, I'm so sick and tired of feeling this way.

What would you do?

    MindlessScribbles June 21, 2017 7:46 am
    I'm worse off than you. I suffer of loneliness and depression for 30 years. Got no friends to rely on and no stable job either since economy is bad as soon I graduated. I live by doing odd jobs that doesn't pay... @Anonymous

    Thinking that way, I do it a lot, it makes me feel ungrateful and selfish, simply making me feel worse
    I wish I was as grateful as I want to be

    Anonymous June 21, 2017 12:07 pm
    Telling someone to 'just get over it' is not helpful, that is like telling someone with cancer to 'get over it', It is a disease, not a grouchy "I just had a bad sleep' day. tokidoki

    If you'd read all of my reply then you would know that i didn't just say "get over it" and gave advices too I've been in a really hard situation as I've said in my last reply and more than anyone I know that its not helpful to just say "get over it" and like underestimate the situation so I gave advices on how to get over it

    Anonymous June 21, 2017 12:39 pm
    Telling someone to 'just get over it' is not helpful, that is like telling someone with cancer to 'get over it', It is a disease, not a grouchy "I just had a bad sleep' day. tokidoki

    I'm sure that you didn't read all of my reply because I gave advice on how to get over it like I said before I've had a tough life and because of that more than anyone else I know that its not helpful to just say get over it and like underestimate the situation so don't jump to conclusions and read before replying