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*sigh* Being gay doesn't mean you can't have kids. Idiot. Is he dating that girl or is ...

akuma_river June 21, 2017 5:26 am


Being gay doesn't mean you can't have kids. Idiot.

Is he dating that girl or is it just grandpa thinking that?

And how much time has passed since the confession?

So he's fine giving him away to some girl who could break his heart and take any kids they have...but what about another man?

    Swan-MF. June 21, 2017 10:29 am

    I think he he wanted kids of his own. Kids as in biological kids not adopted. Unless men can get pregnant and the world would have changed.

    akuma_river June 21, 2017 10:42 am
    I think he he wanted kids of his own. Kids as in biological kids not adopted. Unless men can get pregnant and the world would have changed. Swan-MF.


    Find a lesbian friend who is willing to help out. Or maybe just pay a woman to get fertilized (no sex) with a contract of her abdicating parental rights.

    Bakadesu June 21, 2017 12:20 pm
    I think he he wanted kids of his own. Kids as in biological kids not adopted. Unless men can get pregnant and the world would have changed. Swan-MF.

    Yup world will really change hahaha lol

    Major Nosebleed June 21, 2017 12:23 pm
    Surrogacy. Find a lesbian friend who is willing to help out. Or maybe just pay a woman to get fertilized (no sex) with a contract of her abdicating parental rights. akuma_river

    In some places paying for a surrogate is illegal, but that's not to say that surrogacy is. It just cannot be paid as it is treated like prostitution. There are people who are willing surrogates, though.

    akuma_river June 21, 2017 12:35 pm
    In some places paying for a surrogate is illegal, but that's not to say that surrogacy is. It just cannot be paid as it is treated like prostitution. There are people who are willing surrogates, though. Major Nosebleed


    Just saying that being gay doesn't equal not being able to have kids and a family. So it's stupid to sacrifice a love for 'normal' expectations of starting a family with a woman because that's what people think others want. Heteronormalitivity and it hurts LGBTQIA folks more than anything because they can have a family while being queer.

    Major Nosebleed June 21, 2017 2:50 pm
    True.Just saying that being gay doesn't equal not being able to have kids and a family. So it's stupid to sacrifice a love for 'normal' expectations of starting a family with a woman because that's what people ... akuma_river

    Super agree with you there. It can be a bit more difficult, society and cultures being the way they are, but it's not impossible, and I certainly hope it becomes easier over time.

    akuma_river June 21, 2017 3:17 pm
    Super agree with you there. It can be a bit more difficult, society and cultures being the way they are, but it's not impossible, and I certainly hope it becomes easier over time. Major Nosebleed

    Right. I mean, the US and other Western Nations went through this during the 70's through the 90's and then we fought for marriage equality. Some states are receding backwards on rights for queer folks in adopting kids so in vitro and surrogacy is the primary way they get kids.

    But where there is a will there is a way. I just hate how so many of the yaoi manga focus on 'I/he should be happy with a woman so he can have kids' and never think about fostering, adoption, or surrogacy. And even if the couple gets together they sacrifice having a family for their love. And that is really starting to irk me.

    It feels like they are perpetuating stereotypes of being queer means no family. And that's destructive.

    mrl98 June 21, 2017 3:26 pm
    Right. I mean, the US and other Western Nations went through this during the 70's through the 90's and then we fought for marriage equality. Some states are receding backwards on rights for queer folks in adopt... akuma_river

    Someone told me before that in Japan, gay couples can't adopt kids. Also here in the middle east you can't adopt unless you're male-female married couple ( with no children)

    Major Nosebleed June 21, 2017 3:33 pm

    That's why I mentioned the difficulty, particularly in regards to culture. As of now, in many places, to have a homosexual relationship is akin to not having a family (or worse) because of the constraints of society. I think that mentality is destructive, but in places it is unfortunately the case. It isn't impossible, but it is difficult. It will be a happy thing indeed when it is no more difficult than a straight couple choosing to adopt or have a surrogate and have a family.

    akuma_river June 21, 2017 4:02 pm
    Someone told me before that in Japan, gay couples can't adopt kids. Also here in the middle east you can't adopt unless you're male-female married couple ( with no children) mrl98

    That's changing. Osaka is leading the way.

    Plus, I thought they could adopt as single parents?

    And hell, in the US some states are moving towards that male/female thing. They first tried to bar unmarried people then when gay marriage happened they did the 'religious freedom' bill bs. I'm awaiting the ACLU lawsuits over that bitch especially in my state, Texas.

    mrl98 June 21, 2017 5:01 pm
    That's changing. Osaka is leading the way., I thought they could ado... akuma_river

    It should be a universal code, let gays marry/adopt kids. Also singles, if you're single you can't adopt, weird rule. Like live alone forever because u couldn't fall in love and marry.

    I Thot You Was a Toad June 21, 2017 7:19 pm

    Legal protections are important, or you have situations where the child is abandoned with the birth mother because having a baby isn't what the parents dreamed.

    mrl98 June 21, 2017 7:36 pm
    Legal protections are important, or you have situations where the child is abandoned with the birth mother because having a baby isn't what the parents dreamed. I Thot You Was a Toad

    I don't actually understand Surrogacy, I mean if you want a kid there are tons of babies alright or does it have to have your genes? I sure go for adoption under legal protection.
    P.s those austrailian couples should just die, separating a twin, abandon their child to a poor mother. Just because he's a down syndrom kid

    I Thot You Was a Toad June 21, 2017 7:50 pm
    I don't actually understand Surrogacy, I mean if you want a kid there are tons of babies alright or does it have to have your genes? I sure go for adoption under legal protection. P.s those austrailian couples... mrl98

    I agree about adoption, or failing that, fostering. I know quite a few people who have been adopted, and they had generally happy family lives.

    mrl98 June 21, 2017 8:30 pm
    I agree about adoption, or failing that, fostering. I know quite a few people who have been adopted, and they had generally happy family lives. I Thot You Was a Toad

    Same here, before banning single parent adoption a widow friend took in a little girl and raised her as hers and now they're happy like a real family.

    SakuraMochi128 June 22, 2017 4:28 am

    Change this manga into an omegaverse (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    Sunika June 22, 2017 7:47 am
    I don't actually understand Surrogacy, I mean if you want a kid there are tons of babies alright or does it have to have your genes? I sure go for adoption under legal protection. P.s those austrailian couples... mrl98

    In my country is very hard to adopt a child. sometimes it takes even up to 6-10 years!!! Stupid i know... And we have so many kids in the sistem without parents.
    And on the other hand... a lot of people with 6-7 kids with no money to raise them or to care about them.... But they still make them.. (that's another story for another time)
    And if you want to adopt one they don't let you.... They ask for so many requirements and paper work and time or money that it makes it almost impossible to adopt. Especially if you are single, not to mention gay.... You will never get it. That's why they go on surogate way. I really hope in time things will change. I personally want to adopt.
    (sorry for my english)

    Major Nosebleed June 22, 2017 12:39 pm
    In my country is very hard to adopt a child. sometimes it takes even up to 6-10 years!!! Stupid i know... And we have so many kids in the sistem without parents.And on the other hand... a lot of people with 6-7... Sunika

    Your English is just fine. Adoption can be a super lengthy process, and a highly expensive one. Surrogacy, on the other hand can be a better option. It really depends on the circumstances. I just wish that society and cultural values would shift to address the needs of all people rather than just a few. It's idealistic, but I do hope.

    Usako June 23, 2017 12:48 am

    I have a friend, who's eldest daughter is currently prego with an asian gay guys baby.