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daredesuka June 24, 2017 2:32 am

after reading this i'm much more angrier about shark's fins hunting
human really are beasts

    Fullmoontoni July 29, 2017 11:08 am

    Oh shush. I bet the sharks or any carnivorous animal won t feel any sadness tearing your limbs apart and biting and eating your neck and your face or hungrily devoring your stomach. We are part of the nature too. If it weren t for the cities we were born into we would have been long dead. Imagine what humanity had to pass through to be able to build this safe world. I despise hypocrisy.

    daredesuka July 29, 2017 11:57 pm
    Oh shush. I bet the sharks or any carnivorous animal won t feel any sadness tearing your limbs apart and biting and eating your neck and your face or hungrily devoring your stomach. We are part of the nature to... Fullmoontoni

    Ughh... i know from long ago that i'm also part of the hypocrites
    Ofc sharks will never feel sad about attacking human, duh they're animal, they use instinct more..... errr tecnically human too but we got more ability to think and also, what is it? Conscience?
    this is purely my curiosity bc i still thinking about it, which one do you think better between these two, take (and utilize) the whole body of shark or just take its fin and throw the remaining body back to the sea?
    yeah, we're part of nature too, but we also harm it. It's not that i say hunting animal is pure evil (except animal hunting for entertainment, i despise it), i can't deny that we need it to survive. but the problem is we become greedy and forget to maintain the balance of natural ecosystems that sooner or later will damage this 'safe world'

    Fullmoontoni July 30, 2017 5:28 am

    Well.. what can I say.. I m not a fan of sharks ლ(´ڡ`ლ)

    Anonymous August 18, 2017 2:00 pm
    Oh shush. I bet the sharks or any carnivorous animal won t feel any sadness tearing your limbs apart and biting and eating your neck and your face or hungrily devoring your stomach. We are part of the nature to... Fullmoontoni

    Yeah, but happens that humans beings and primates among others animals developed their limbic system millions of years ago and because of that have empathy . And happens that sharks dont kill animals out of evil or whatnot but out of hungry and instinct. I think thats the difference. Mutilate a living being alive... if you have empathy you cant help but putting in their place.

    Anonymous October 6, 2017 10:22 am
    Oh shush. I bet the sharks or any carnivorous animal won t feel any sadness tearing your limbs apart and biting and eating your neck and your face or hungrily devoring your stomach. We are part of the nature to... Fullmoontoni

    first of all sharks eat meat cuz its their nature and they will die if they dont, we wont die if we dont eat meat. even if u say there is some kind of nutrients that is necessary for us in meat u can eat the amount u need . im not a vegan but i dont eat shark fin. its not like u will die if u dont eat it . why would u kill a being for a taste? i mean we are intelligence to not get urself dead by shark and how many human u think dies by sharks . but human are crule and just seek excuse for that.

    Fullmoontoni October 6, 2017 12:48 pm

    Oh I just thought about something. I'm sorry for agitating the spirits. What struck me lately after seeing the news... is that rather than humans hunting sharks... humans making guns in factories to kill other humans. THAT is irrational. Let that sink in.

    Fullmoontoni October 6, 2017 12:50 pm

    I'm wished to say in the beginning that if I see a shark vs human fight... I would probably side with the human. I didn't mean that I side with irrational mass killing of sharks and I'm also not a big fan of meat as I rarely eat it for I don't believe our bodies need large quantities of meat in order to stay healthy.