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The art style is beautiful... It really fits the "beautiful vampires" theme, but it also l...

Anonymous June 24, 2017 5:01 am

The art style is beautiful... It really fits the "beautiful vampires" theme, but it also looks good in general. I like how Naoyuki's family is close and think well of one another... Because usually, in fiction, when one is the slightest bit different, discrimination tends to ensue, especially amongst famy members. When they let Naoyuki live alone, they were thinking of him in general, and loved to have him around. It's also nice how casual they are, not cold and distant( although the other older brother is a little cold...)

    djserani September 27, 2017 8:24 pm

    I did rather like that while they were surprised by the human, that was all. "Human?! Oh, okay. How many candles...?" LOL