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It's cute, but I don't get what's up with "little Chitose's" strange fishing hobby.

Mindy June 25, 2017 8:42 am

It's cute, but I don't get what's up with "little Chitose's" strange fishing hobby.

    chinonso June 27, 2017 2:45 am

    it's bad bc little chitose like being flirtatious with those gay man to make them fall for him but then reject them telling them that actually he was not gay, like someone who just like to messing/fooling he kinda jerk tho

    Anonymous July 5, 2017 11:23 am
    it's bad bc little chitose like being flirtatious with those gay man to make them fall for him but then reject them telling them that actually he was not gay, like someone who just like to messing/fooling aroun... chinonso

    its a douche move but his past kinda justify it a little i guess