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Okay, cute story...But what's wrong with Aisha's clothes? Even women don't wear that kind ...

Anonymous April 10, 2013 1:46 am

Okay, cute story...But what's wrong with Aisha's clothes? Even women don't wear that kind of thing...Karim has to do something about this. How can he let his beloved be like that in front of everybody? Aisha really looks like a prostitute :(

    Liyah April 10, 2013 5:31 am

    he was a prostitute stupid! he's probably use to dressing like that because that's how he was raised.

    Sakura Cherryblossom April 10, 2013 5:44 am

    Also, it's a foreign country and that's what women would have worn.

    Anonymous April 10, 2013 7:55 pm

    @Liyah, i know he "WAS" a prostitute, but not anymore. Will you be ok with your partner being dressed like that? Lols that's too much

    Anonymous April 10, 2013 8:04 pm

    Before calling other "stupid" you should read carefully the comment right? I know that Aisha is used to dress like. That's why i think that Karim must change that. Aisha's is pratically nude in the last page, that shocked me! Well it's my point of view anymay

    yaoi lover April 10, 2013 11:20 pm

    I actually agree with Anonymous. I mean he's his "wife" now, get something respectable, not something to remind him of his prostitute self. And those outfit just so...ugh.

    Kathy April 11, 2013 12:07 am

    Well it's not that he doesn't have any respect for Aisha. If you look back in the chapters you will see the clothing the (lavish) women wear is the same as Aisha. Also if you read the first chapter, Aisha prostitute clothing is practically just a cloth. So he's spoiling him with the current fashion.

    yaoi lover April 11, 2013 12:35 am

    @Kathy: I get your point but those women are not technical good fashion examples for someone who is his wife. Werent they also his other lovers, who use body for advantages? Its better than his old prostitute clothes but I dont like how he exposes Aisha for the world. I mean, he shows half of his thighs and almost butt naked. I guess the mangaka just like those kind of clothes.

    Kathy April 11, 2013 1:26 am

    @yaoi lover
    I get what you mean. For me, the setting in which the author put them, makes sense to have them wear that. Maybe it cause I watch too much Games of Throne and this story reminds me of that shows setting and the women, poor and rich, wear similar clothes to Aisha. So that why I never found it as a bad thing as long as he doesn't treat Aisha like a prostitute I don't mind.

    Anonymous April 11, 2013 1:03 pm

    @yaoi lover thanks for sharing my thoughts. @Kathy i get what your mean. But still it shocked me. But oh well, even with this i enjoyed the story :)

    K April 19, 2013 3:07 am

    Wow. The woman in the country also wears like that and are all of them prostitutes? So what? Guys like their 'girls' wearing certain clothing, there's nothing wrong with that. There would only be a problem if Aisha himself doesn't want to wear the clothing and Karim forces him too but Aisha himself had said he likes the clothings.

    If you see a person with little clothing and immediately think they're a prostitute then you should evaluate yourself for your quick judgement. Aisha likes the clothing and he is a sweet caring individual. The clothes does not make the person. He is who he is. What YOU see him as is different. Karim doesn't force Aisha to wear the skimpy clothes and YOU shouldn't force Aisha to wear clothes to cover his skin.

    K April 19, 2013 3:11 am

    "How can he let his beloved be like that in front of everybody." So what? Now as a husband he should FORCE Aisha to wear more appropriate clothing? First off Karim BOUGHT those clothes for him. Second of all, just because he's the husband doesn't mean he can go around ordering Aisha to do what he, Karim likes.

    Anon April 19, 2013 3:14 am

    @K: U and ur shallow argument. Ur missing the whole freaking thing.
    She didnt mean Aisha is a loose person because he wears that. She is trying to say that Karim shouldnt let Aisha wear those. Guys like girls with skimpy clothes but when it comes to their gf, they like them cover up. Its like possessiveness toward the ones they truly love.
    She mentions the prostitute simply because they're similarity in the clothes.

    K April 19, 2013 3:54 am

    Furthermore if you continue to read, Aisha dressed like that at home. When he went to meet with the father he wore appropriate clothing. My friends walk around home naked most of the time. Are they prostitutes too? If you're saying he allows Zebul and Sabas to see him like that, then I'll tell you, they're SERVANTS so it makes no difference.

    K April 19, 2013 4:00 am

    @Anon: Do you get it? Would you like it if your boyfriend FORCES you to wear something you yourself might not like? So what, now he's the husband he should go around ordering Aisha to wear what Karim finds appropriate?

    @K April 19, 2013 4:01 am

    Go back to elementary school. This is call "simile". Saying "you are hot like fire" doesnt mean you ARE fire.
    He looks like prostitute doesnt mean that he IS a prostitute. Dont start an argument when u cant even read.

    snake April 19, 2013 3:28 am

    your friends walk around naked? they aren't prostitutes but it is rather indecent and isn't morally accepted in today's society. i can assure you that many people would be shocked to hear/see that...

    snake April 19, 2013 3:29 am

    besides, i don't know why you're getting so worked up about someone's opinion... i just think of it as fanservice in the manga... or maybe even fashion...

    Anon April 19, 2013 3:30 am

    @K: Have u ever dated before? This is collaborating. I dont expose myself in front of other guys and I dont like him to expose himself either. When I was single, I wore strapless and really short short (its hot here) and he ran topless. But now none of us do it anymore.
    I like him and he likes me enough to do that, no one forces anyone.
    In this story, Aisha will like everything Karim bought for him, might as well buy something nice. No one forces anyone.

    @@K April 19, 2013 4:08 am

    I didn't say that the person THINKs they're a prostitute I'm saying the person judges a person's clothings and say they dress like a prostitute. Then I'm saying that Aisha has a RIGHT to dress the way he wants. Just because YOU feel like he dress like a prostitute doesn't mean he IS.

    snake April 19, 2013 3:32 am

    @K well the sentence "he looks like a prostitute" isn't even a smilie.