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Okay "this tree won't grow any fruit"..What the Fuck?! Why should anything grow a fruit? W...

Arthur June 27, 2017 6:12 pm

Okay "this tree won't grow any fruit"..What the Fuck?! Why should anything grow a fruit? Why can't humans just leave for the moment and enjoy their life.. why do we have to thing about what ppl moght think or say? Why should our 'tree' grow any fruit? If two ppl want to be together, why not? Do we have to have children? Ughhhhh I'm so pissed at chap 7. So sad.....

    Arthur June 27, 2017 6:13 pm

    Live*, care*,

    UsagFetlon June 28, 2017 6:09 pm

    I think the authors point was that not all stories have happy endings. Sadly that story is true for a large amount of gay men who are too afraid to express who they are or go forward with what they feel. It's sad, and I wished they'd ended up together, BUT I think she didn't want all of the stories to "work out" per se.