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Mayu is a psycho stalker

Mameiha June 29, 2017 6:16 pm

She planned to drug him, got him drunk instead and then kidnapped him, tied him to the bed and it looked as though rape was next. Which likely would have led to a real or faked pregnancy and a shotgun wedding. The bitch even lied about her interests and changed her hair! Yet, everyone just glosses over these facts! What the fuckety fuck, Chuck!? If a man did that to a woman there'd be no end to the hell he would pay or the shit talk that the comment section would spew! She had no intention of giving a rat's hairy left nut about what Shimano wanted. She didn't love Shimano, she hated rejection. There is a BIG difference! This is NOT aww, cute behavior. This is sociopathic bordering on psychotic. Can you even imagine what Shimano's life would be like with her for the rest of his days? A poor, beaten dog that chases cars in the hope of dying brutally. I can't imagine his father's legacy would be all that safe either. NEVER, EVER STICK YOUR DICK IN CRAZY! Antibiotics can't cure that shit.

    Dema August 8, 2017 7:31 am

    First of all, totally agree.
    Secondly.... XDDD LMAO!!!!!! ROTFL!!!!!!! That last line made my night!!!! XD THANK YOU!
    Third, I think I just glossed over her because no harm was done and the MCs didn't seem to care, I tend to mind more when they do too XD Totally agree shes a crzy bitch though! And a Stalker! EEP!

    Mameiha August 8, 2017 1:22 pm
    First of all, totally agree. Secondly.... XDDD LMAO!!!!!! ROTFL!!!!!!! That last line made my night!!!! XD THANK YOU!Third, I think I just glossed over her because no harm was done and the MCs didn't seem to ca... Dema

    Thank you. I'm glad to hear I made someone's night. I have three adults sons and I have been telling them that since they were old enough to have an interest in sex. LOL Antagonists are meant to be forgotten. I mean, what do we really remember about the step-mothers in Snow White and Cinderella once the happily ever after rolls around? I was complaining because I was stunned that readers who will normally have a litter of kittens over a "rape" scene in yaoi were glaringly silent at her attempted "rape by envelopment". Maybe it's because I have three sons, or because I seem to spend more time with men than women, but I am sensitive to the feelings and plights of men and female on male rape happens to be a really sore spot for me.
    Thanks, again, for your reply. It made my day to know I made you laugh.

    Dema August 9, 2017 5:33 am

    LOL you really have been telling them that line for years? XD OMG Laughing all over again! XDDD I have GOT to pass that on now XD
    Actually what I remember most about the step mother in Snow White is how she died in the original tale, DANG XD though I must admit I love seeing the bad person get what they deserve.
    Yea, I can understand why that would upset you more. Honestly I don't spend a lot of time with anyone outside my small family, and I have only my dad as a male influence so it didn't hit me as hard. Though honestly if she had actually managed something or he was traumatized over it I would have been SO mad XD Glad this was more light hearted in general ^_^
    Anyways XD You are very funny! One of my new fave lines "Don't stick your dick in crazy, antibiotics can't cure that shit!" XD I am SO sharing that with my mom XD!

    Reality bites December 13, 2017 8:18 pm

    U are right, If she was a he they would have burned her at the stake. Loved your lines .

    VolcanoFan1 March 7, 2018 11:32 pm
    First of all, totally agree. Secondly.... XDDD LMAO!!!!!! ROTFL!!!!!!! That last line made my night!!!! XD THANK YOU!Third, I think I just glossed over her because no harm was done and the MCs didn't seem to ca... Dema

    I was hoping that Saeko-san would get pissed off & beat her up. Drat, no such luck. Maybe a speeding truck will do the job later :)

    Dema March 9, 2018 12:13 am
    I was hoping that Saeko-san would get pissed off & beat her up. Drat, no such luck. Maybe a speeding truck will do the job later :) VolcanoFan1

    XD ya never know :P Though this author doesn't feel like the death by speeding truck type lol :P How about a husband she thinks is rich and turns out to be DEEP in debt?

    VolcanoFan1 March 9, 2018 12:44 am
    XD ya never know :P Though this author doesn't feel like the death by speeding truck type lol :P How about a husband she thinks is rich and turns out to be DEEP in debt? Dema

    Great idea! I could get behind that, for sure :D

    Dema March 9, 2018 9:42 pm
    Great idea! I could get behind that, for sure :D VolcanoFan1

    Thank you :D OH! and she ends up having to work for a living! XDDD Like as a waitress or inn keeper, where she has to be nice to ppl allll thee tiiimmmme lol