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Okay so far seme is wrong. Correct me if im wrong.

kai July 1, 2017 8:06 am

In my opinion, it seems the seme is blaming the uke for his bad choices. He hated having sex with him but did so he can remain friends with him, he understood if sex wasnt on the table their wudnt be a thing between them. So he is blaming him for the past. He didn have to sleep with him anymore. He didn have to give consent to sleep together. Yet he did. He cant claim rape if he chose to do this. I can't sympathize all the way with him like the story wants me too. I know you cant change a person to think and feel like you do, and that was what the seme was going for with the uke.

    Anonymous July 1, 2017 9:21 am

    This. But I also think the seme had feelings and in a way more then firends like he loved the uke but he wasn't at the age where love = sex so he felt pressured to provide the guy with sex even though he didn't enjoy it and was only being used

    kai July 2, 2017 8:20 am

    I don't see love. I see someone desperate for a friendship. He had no friends or acquaintances he was a loner and to fit in with this one person he gave his body for a friend. Just like when u give ppl money to be your friend or bring food, games, drugs or porn. He on the other hand gave his virginity. Maybe we will see more if there is love in the coming chapters. But so far i dont see it.

    kai July 3, 2017 8:27 am

    Okay seeing the new chapters, he developed an appetite for gay sex and fell in love with him and he finds that disgusting. Gotcha lol