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OMG Wachi wtf, I preferred when he was cold and pretend he didn't care. Because, why I ...

やおいはかんぺき July 2, 2017 5:29 am

OMG Wachi wtf, I preferred when he was cold and pretend he didn't care. Because, why I love this game of theirs... The main reason I do is because they are almost always on equal footing. If Wachi has to be the one going around frantically searching for Makio, then he looses some of his badass points.

I know this is showing that he cares and is in love but damn....
Yay character development

    anon July 2, 2017 7:58 am

    100% agree. He was cooler when he seemed like an ass*. Maybe he should seriously distance himself a little and let Makio chase after him or just go their separate ways. This is so un-Wachi.