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Sungho has so much self hatred its crazy

AwkwardxPrincess July 3, 2017 10:39 pm

You know I really feel for Sungho. After reading the back story, I can tell he was just another misunderstood kid, that finally found someone that cared for him, and he wanted to do everything in his power to keep dohyun in his life. Even if it meant giving up his body. dohyun Was a complete dick in high school, but to be honest sungho was never forced to do anything. He forced himself, and the only reason he's doing all this (I think) is because he's angry with himself in some ways. He literally gave his body up for a man that didn't feel anything for him. I'd hate myself too.

Sungho deserves any mistreatment that he gets, but that doesn't stop me from sympathizing with him in some areas.
