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If you have nothing nice to say about this manga then SHUT THE FUCK UP. This was something...

Blue clues April 13, 2013 7:56 am

If you have nothing nice to say about this manga then SHUT THE FUCK UP. This was something new and different in yaoi. It was amazing. Who cares about a damn plot. For those who said such rude things about this manga you should stick your head right up a rhino ass. Fucking hater I hate haters. Jump off a bridge and let people who do enjoy reading it enjoy it without reading your bitch ass remarks.

    Anonymous April 13, 2013 8:12 am

    Then don't read the comments. You might not like them or even find them helpful, but others do since some people do like PLOT. Not everyone is going to like this story, stop over reacting and complaining like a child. Everyone has the right to say whether or not they like this story.

    Blue clues April 13, 2013 8:23 am

    You don't want to call me a child. It's true some people want a plot. But for you to call me a child. You don't know who your dealing with. I e n joy reading the comments of people who enjoy reading these kind of yaoi. But for someone to put down this yaoi is rude. If it was your work and you work so hard on this. How would you feel to read people rude remarks about something you created. Maybe the person who created this story may have forgotten the plot but it was good enough to make it on book shelves and online. So yeah I'm gonna say shut the fuck up. Because that's how you put artist down. I myself is an artist. Not every story needs a plot. But a good ending.

    yaoi lover April 13, 2013 8:24 am

    Im OK with the story and the negative comments. But for comments like yours, I cant stand it. Accept people's opinion and stop insulting them.

    Blue clues April 13, 2013 8:24 am

    Don't challenge me. Cause you would lose.

    Blue clues April 13, 2013 8:30 am

    What's wrong cant handle my comment. I just believe negative people should shut up. Since you love negative comments.

    yaoi lover April 13, 2013 8:35 am

    Negative comments is not equal to insulting. Some people might taking it too far but well-written negative comments is criticism. Everyone has to learn to accept criticism, if you cant do it, dont go looking for them.

    Bubblegum April 13, 2013 8:38 am

    I agree blue clues your comment is way overboard. We can tell you love this manga. But don't go berserk about it. Not cool man. But I understand we're you coming from its a good manga. Plus it's freedom of speech man. Or writing.

    Blue clues April 13, 2013 8:41 am

    I don't look for them, there just there. And it is insulting. And I'm not going berserk.

    Anonymous April 13, 2013 8:46 am

    No you are a child. You say that the artist would feel offended by these criticisms, but great artist embrace criticism. They strive in both negative and positive comments. They learn to perfect themselves and become greater. I call you child not because you complain recklessly without understanding the importance on negative comments. I never said this story was bad because it didn't have a plot and yes not every yaoi needs a plot to be good, but some people do want a plot and they have the right to voice that thought. Whether the artist will listen to that, we don't know, but don't go preaching about what an artist feels when clearly you don't.

    yaoi lover April 13, 2013 8:48 am

    Oh dear, did anyone force u to go to look at the comments section? Not like they're popping out in your screen while ur reading or something. In conclusion, this is freedom of speech, they have the right to say what they want as much as you do. Just dont go overboard and curse people. Thats all.

    Anonymous April 13, 2013 8:48 am

    My bad I made a mistake in a part of my comment when I said "I call you child not because you" I forgot to put "are a child" after you. You can proceed to make a redundant opposing view that will show your childish view now :).

    Kathy April 13, 2013 9:02 am

    This is like completely irrelevant, but also after "are also child" you would have to put "but because...". Anyway sorry for the interruption just decided to help with grammatical errors.

    Blue clues April 13, 2013 9:44 am

    Haha. My bab my bab. I just enjoy how you guys actually took my comment offensive. Of course I enjoy the negative comments it makes me wonder why people don't like it. I only wrote what I wrote to see who actually cared. I really don't care. Of course artist takes critics from other it helps them grow. Duh. I was just bored. Not childish but bored. And don't think I'm writing this. I'm just bored. But thanks for calling me childish. My feeling aren't hurt. I just wanted to see who would actually reply.