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it kind of reminds me of baozi and hana and how they met???? or was it just me? lol anywa...

kachuya July 5, 2017 2:58 pm

it kind of reminds me of baozi and hana and how they met???? or was it just me? lol

anyway, I found the raw here

    『 cofefe 』 July 6, 2017 8:14 pm

    i clicked disagree accidentally, sorry
    how did baozi and hana meet? did they talk about it on an interview or video? ///curious

    kachuya July 7, 2017 7:33 am
    i clicked disagree accidentally, sorryhow did baozi and hana meet? did they talk about it on an interview or video? ///curious 『 cofefe 』

    during a fanmeet I think... they first met on a con where hana saw baozi but baozi didn't saw hana, and baozi was already a quite famous cosplayer then... I forgot how exactly, I think then a friend tagged baozi on a picture on weibo, and a friend of hana commented and tagged hana like 'wasn't you there too?' and they talked online and then started cosplaying together xDD