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Hi there, I am an admin for the translation group The DANMEI Project. I would like to clar...

Message from the original tran July 5, 2017 4:50 pm

Hi there, I am an admin for the translation group The DANMEI Project. I would like to clarify that we translated the first chapter of 'The Wooden Savage and I', but we did not do the chapters that have been poorly typeset with raging watermarks.

We do not, and I refuse to, watermark any of the manhua we take on.

The person who translated the chapters with raging watermarks has contacted us through Facebook. Through this person's conflicting claims and inconsistent demeanour, we have reason to believe that this person has intentionally targeted Yaoi /Boys Love manhua with means to ruin the artist's work; it is not only the visual aesthetics that have been destroyed, but the translations are a mockery of the original script. This person, however, has said that they will stop uploading chapters. But, their actions on MyReadingManga (deleting own messages to make others appear as though they are bullying him), their manner of speech, as well as editing parts of the conversation with an admin of DANMEI and then uploading text-only version to MRM, has us in doubt of their words, which is why I am providing a long explanation for readers who actually want to *read* the manhua.

The DANMEI Project will continue to translate all the manhua with which we have gained permission, so those who are interested in this manhua will still be able to read it. Please do not try to *steal* or *hijack* our projects with intention to cause damage, it will not directly affect our group because we will still pump out chapters as per usual--you will only damage the manhua's ratings and the author's hard work.

If the person, who has uploaded the chapters with raging watermarks, is reading this, you've no need to respond, this is just statement to let readers know of the situation. We have not made any false claims about you and we have screenshots to prove it.

    Message from the original tran July 5, 2017 4:54 pm

    PS: I did not mean to sound obnoxious by not referring to the person who used raging watermarks by their name, I honestly did not notice it due to the shock and horror of the bombardment of watermarks. I have been reading comments, but, oddly enough, the name just doesn't stick.

    jiaheng143 July 5, 2017 4:55 pm

    shit i want to hit the good job or thumbs up but fckk my phone make me choose the wrong one iam so so so sorry.. i just want to say you guys are so awesome!! i will always support you guys!!! go go go fighting! you guys the best!! fight the bad people and their bad intention i mean their wrongdoing tee hee.. sorry for the bad english and the thumbs down.. i swear that i want to give u thumbs up huhu ╥﹏╥

    Major Nosebleed July 5, 2017 5:04 pm

    The DANMEI Project, you are awesome. Thanks for the clarification. I look forward to reading what you upload. I hope whoever it is who was so disrespectful goes and kicks rocks.

    Ana -l July 5, 2017 5:14 pm

    From spamming comment sections to highjacking manhuas. Are the a-holes increasing in numbers or just becoming more brazen?

    Thank you for the clarification because I was like, wtf, when I read chp 2. Keep up the hard workヾ(☆▽☆)

    finis coronat opus July 5, 2017 5:30 pm

    Thanks The DANMEI project for translating and sharing. You are awesome.
    Also thanks for your explanation.

    KyoZaNa✿ July 5, 2017 5:48 pm

    Thank you so much for clarifying. Previously I was so tense, feared that weirdo would discourage you to drop this project. Thank you so much for all your hard work. I will forward your topic to mangago-admins too.

    JustBeingMyself July 5, 2017 7:57 pm

    Thanks so much for taking your time to explain. And all the hard work you putting in all projects.

    Unoriginal Artist July 5, 2017 10:39 pm

    Lol I honestly tuned out the watermarks when reading the chapters I didn't even really notice them...but the translation did seem weird I hope I can read the proper chapters!

    pinku July 5, 2017 10:41 pm

    Thank you translators! In a way that watermarks person reminded me of what good and bad translations are.

    Kokonamichu July 5, 2017 11:25 pm

    Thank you for keep translating this,, I have hope in this manhua will be good manhua, furthermore u already has author permission,, thank you very much (●'◡'●)ノ

    Omg! To shocked to sign in! July 7, 2017 11:54 am

    Omg that troll is still trying to play the victim on MyReadingManga!! And now he is dissing the manhua and the translation group and the readers!! Even after this!!!