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Well Since there so much negative against Hikawa ill spread positivity

JenJenLovesYaoi July 7, 2017 7:16 am

I didnt like the fact that he blasted about Kaede's flowers being on a lower level than his brothers,because who the hell does that? An i hated how his brother had no tact while flaunting his relationship with his boyfriend,i mean he shoulda realised when his twin started shutting everyone out ,he said it himself,he is his twin,he knows how he feels.So why didnt he then? But i am happy he found someone like Hikawa san ,hes handsome,an hes in love with him! Though he has a possessive side ,it can get quite aggravating but once you realize how dedicated to him he was,you have to love this couple! An on a last note,i too want more about the cats *giggles*
