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Just upset and not recommened reading

Wdbisl July 8, 2017 9:30 am

I just feel angry and find all the cheating so stupid. I feel like nobody deserves anybody except Hikaru. Yuki's attitude is ridiculous and I feel like Hikaru needs someone who truly loves him. If Shige had been more emotionally stable and not drifted apart Yuki would have left Hikaru for good. Even during their last call to meet you can tell how he ran to him. I feel like he took Hikaru back because that's what he knows and is comfortable with. I feel like Yuki is selfish and eventually something else will split them up. You can see this by how he tries to blame Hikaru for cheating while they were broken up. The whole relationship just feels unhealthy now. Even in rules part 1 Yuki was indivisive, but now it's worse. I don't even want to get into Tooru and Atori relationship. Tooru just leaving is just dumb why can't they just talk it out? What were they even really fighting over? They said they were opposites, but what triggered it? Everything felt dragged out and just unpleasant. You can't even have the nice contrast so for most of the manga you have no happiness just cheating and sorrow. Reading this has made reading the others feel pointless it soured me on the series. I saw all the negative reviews, but I had to know how it ended now I wish I had listened.
