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Hello everyone. Not manga related....

Reiji July 9, 2017 9:49 am

So I want to know what BTW or wtf and those kinds of thngs mean...
Well I know what this two means wtf - what the fuck.. BTW - by the way... right?
And I was wandering what others are and what they mean???
Sorry for bad English...

    Anonymous July 9, 2017 10:04 am

    Those are "text lingo" or "text slang" and if you look up either, lists should show up with their respective meanings! But if you wanted to know some off the bat:

    Lmao- laughing my ass off
    Lol- laugh out loud
    Lmfao- laughing my fucking ass off
    Oml- oh my lord
    Omg- oh my gosh/god
    Gtfo- get the fuck out
    Gtg- got to go or alternatively, "gotta go"
    Brb- be right back
    Gg- good game (used for gamers, athletes, etc)
    Af- as fuck

    Most of these are almost always used sarcastically unless in caps

    Otaku24 July 9, 2017 10:10 am

    Idk-i don't know
    Idc-i don't care
    Plzpls- please
    Imao-i in my arrogant opinion
    Lmao-laughing my assistenza off
    Lol-laughing out loud
    For others here is the link (⌒▽⌒)

    blah July 9, 2017 10:21 am

    Here are some more:
    Atm- at the moment
    Afk- away from keyboard (used by gamers)
    Stfu- shut the fuck up
    Asap- as soon as possible
    Kys- kill yourself
    Ty- thank you
    Yw- your welcome
    Np- no problem
    Tysm- thank you so much
    Idk- I don't know
    Omg- oh my god
    And some times at very rare occasion Lol can also mean "Lots of love" (it rarely happens tho)