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Honestly, I would rate this manga as 3.5/5 stars. It's cute, fluffy, and the typical kawai...

Truth hurts bitch July 9, 2017 4:13 pm

Honestly, I would rate this manga as 3.5/5 stars. It's cute, fluffy, and the typical kawaii mc in every shoujo manga. I like how the guy didn't like the girl at first because it gave a sense of reality, especially it was about marriage. I really adored Usagi because she is the type to not easily give up. What just made her annoying is being such a cry baby, she kept on crying whenever she makes mistakes and over petty things. She was also being overly clingy to Hanzo (or how you spell his name) would be better if she gave him a little space and not forget her dignity as a woman. And I am also disappointed on what happened on the later chapters, there was no character development at all. I was hoping for Usagi to stop being immature and see her in a different light. Especially at the, "1 year later" part. She was still weak and would cry everytime. Also disappointed at Hanzo, like after the war instead of making sure that Usagi is fine he focused on taking revenge instead. I hated how Usagi just responded to him like "oh I still love you Hanzo". The ending was rushed too like bam they had kids, also wished to see Gomeon have a wife of his own that he loves cause he definitely deserves it.

    glyphmanamebish December 1, 2017 2:04 pm

    Goemon got his own (even pregnant) wife at the end of the series!