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it keeps getting worse and worse. i can't believe ishida gave in to the fanservice and mad...

Anonymous July 9, 2017 8:14 pm

it keeps getting worse and worse. i can't believe ishida gave in to the fanservice and made kaneki marry his abuser and the person who basically forced herself on him and had sex with him when he was really vulnerable. that ain't love lmao.

    kyra 23 July 9, 2017 8:46 pm

    Dumbest comment ever...

    geeluc July 9, 2017 9:05 pm

    Are we even reading the same story? Because if we were then you'd know what you said isn't true.

    Anonymous July 9, 2017 9:24 pm

    i think the same, fanservice everywhere ( ̄へ ̄)

    :V July 9, 2017 9:37 pm

    If Touka is considered abusive so too is the vast majority of anime/manga girls. Winry, Lina Inverse, Kagome, Eri, Taiga, Chitoge, Saya, Hori, etc. It's not meant to be that deep.

    brynn July 9, 2017 11:29 pm

    Lmao it's not he's marrying Jason. Touka was what you call a tsundere, not an abuser. You people really try to find every piece of fault in her character do you? Nice try.

    g02sleep July 9, 2017 11:52 pm
    Dumbest comment ever... kyra 23


    x July 10, 2017 1:28 am

    forgot this?
    when he was in love with Rize he looked at her a certain way and Touka noticed. when he was a dove he looked at Touka the way he used to look at Rize, it means he likes her too -.-

    Onapenny July 10, 2017 11:17 am

    EHEM. Context. The context of Kaneki's mother hitting/abusing young Kaneki and Touka hitting Kaneki are TOTALLY DIFFERENT. Seriously, Ishida's masterpiece is wasted on such mentality.

    Pri July 11, 2017 10:22 pm

    Eh?? Was it really like that?? I'm pretty indifferent to touken but I can tell kaneki actually likes her. When he was Haise Sakai he remembered her though he forgot almost everything.

    mizu soup July 12, 2017 9:43 am

    seriously I didn't want this fanservice *facepalm* this isn't shoujo but ACTION! Literally the Touken shippers are so butthurt about this

    brynn July 12, 2017 10:11 am
    seriously I didn't want this fanservice *facepalm* this isn't shoujo but ACTION! Literally the Touken shippers are so butthurt about this mizu soup

    No one cares about your opinion, neither does ishida
    This is his response to you TouKen haters, and I have to say it's pretty bold!

    pennyinheaven July 12, 2017 3:01 pm
    seriously I didn't want this fanservice *facepalm* this isn't shoujo but ACTION! Literally the Touken shippers are so butthurt about this mizu soup

    Ishida is too intelligent to care about fan service and shipping. Also, a true fan service is done in a small tasteful manner. This is not called fan service, it's called PLOT and CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT. You may not have read other mangas besides TG if this is how you think of Seinen mangas or any other genres. I don't think you even know what Shoujo is, if you think this is Shoujo. I'm not even shipping any characters, yet I still replied to this post.

    rittie July 19, 2017 2:54 am
    Lmao it's not he's marrying Jason. Touka was what you call a tsundere, not an abuser. You people really try to find every piece of fault in her character do you? Nice try. brynn

    what's disturbing is that she actually feels pleasure after hitting him, that's not being tsundere that's being abusive lmao. stop being an apologist and realize that touka's an abusive character and not in any way healthy for kaneki's life or development. nice try.

    Teryll July 19, 2017 1:11 pm
    what's disturbing is that she actually feels pleasure after hitting him, that's not being tsundere that's being abusive lmao. stop being an apologist and realize that touka's an abusive character and not in any... @rittie

    Man cut the bullshit, i really want you to show where in the manga that ishida has intended for this to be abusive. Where in the manga that touka has had the intention to cause kaneki suffering and pain. Just tell me the chapters/s.

    Because shuu putting kaneki in a pit with a few people and having the scrapper carving them up then laughing about it was intented to show the cruelty of some ghouls. Rize toying with kaneki's feelings so she could get a chance to eating him was to show what some ghouls would do to get their food. Ayato kicking and hitting kaneki to let him know who the boss is, was intended to show some of aogiri trees inner workings. Mutsuki stabbing kaneki with his/her weapon containing rc gas was to show the cruel level mutsuki was going to go to have kaneki for himself. Eto attacking kaneki then out right manipulating him along with arima to force him into the role of a the king is intenting to show the lenghts they are willing to go to get what they want. Kaneki turtoring a 14-15 year old teen after already beating him to a bloody pulp was intented to show the difference in how kaneki would deal with threats.

    But nothing in the manga so far has shown touka hitting kaneki is anything beyond basic japanese slap stick used in a shit ton of other series other than tokyo ghoul. It was for comedy sake, TG is a japanese manga written with the japanese people in mind, ishida falling on using a sexist japanese trope is expected because he is writing it for the japanese audience. There are plenty other manga/anime that has done this bebofe tg and there is going to be more that continues to do it after tg. Even the way the door frame bends as if it spat kaneki out after touka threw him out of her room was to highlight that the moment is a light hearted one. So please show me where ishida intended for it to be abusive, show me where touka intended to make kaneki suffer and cause him pain. Because clearly you have not heard of cultural difference. I have yet to see anyone from japan or hell even china bring this up, infact they found it to be quite funny because unlike you and everyone else claiming abuse, they got the joke.

    Teryll July 19, 2017 1:36 pm

    This is fanservice? Do me a favor and go read some hentai then come back.

    One of the main focus of sex/fanservice/hentai done in japanese media is to focus on the female's body in female-male relations and to focus as little as possible on the male's boby save for this penis. Hell even his face will be detailess in many hetro hentai. Now i wont lie ishida did focus alot on touka but he did the same for kaneki. He gave kaneki less face detail but he also did the same for touka. Typical fanservice will not only highlight female no no parts but also put extensive detail on her face aswel. And at any rate the chapter starting out with a butterfly/moth should be enough indication of the level of symbolism present. The chapter was also hand written by ishida to show the rawness of it. Even the positions touka and kaneki change when they are kissing is detailed as it shows them sharing dominance up to the point of penetration where kaneki takes full control and ofcourse the last page. Alot of thought and research went into this chapter and to just write it off as fanservice shows the lack of attention to detail and ignorance.

    Nothing is wrong if you dislike the chapter but you are clearly ignoring the importance of it or why ishida thought it relevant to exist. When people claim this chapter to be tasteful they know what they are talking about.