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This is an anime I've watched when I wa a kid but I don't know it's title, any help?

why_youdothis July 10, 2017 7:53 am

it's an anime where there's a high school girl then, i dont remember it well but somehow she suddenly got teleported to a place, then she met this mouse. talking mouse, and the setting is like old japan, with kingdoms and like. I have a feeling it's an adventure one. I can't find it on google. and the most i can remember about it is this girl and the mouse. Please help. thank you in advance

    seraph02 July 10, 2017 8:23 am

    Is it 12 kingdom anime?

    why_youdothis July 10, 2017 9:06 am
    Is it 12 kingdom anime? seraph02

    This is nice, thanks! I've been looking for this for years. Thank you so much @seraph02

    seraph02 July 10, 2017 1:22 pm
    This is nice, thanks! I've been looking for this for years. Thank you so much @seraph02 why_youdothis

    I was doubting at first and had to double check. I am glad to help.(⌒▽⌒)