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So how does this treat abortion? I see that the author's a dude, and the first chapter did...

Question asker July 10, 2017 9:37 pm

So how does this treat abortion? I see that the author's a dude, and the first chapter didn't really get my hopes up that this manga wouldn't be a dude just preaching at women.

    DaisiesAndLilies July 10, 2017 10:07 pm

    I just read the first chapter too, and I feel exactly the same way. As a woman and a mother who has gone through pregnancy and childbirth, I find the doctor to be cruelly judgmental, short-sighted, and lacking compassion. Many people in unfortunate situations don't know how to access resources. If she can't even take care of herself, it's not about her unwillingness to make sure her baby is okay. She probably had no idea what risks she was taking. I could slap doctors like that.

    *lol* March 17, 2019 7:25 am
    I just read the first chapter too, and I feel exactly the same way. As a woman and a mother who has gone through pregnancy and childbirth, I find the doctor to be cruelly judgmental, short-sighted, and lacking ... DaisiesAndLilies

    How about you read more than just the first chapter before you start being too judgmental. It usually takes time to build up too a good manga, not just the first chapter. (And character development does happen ya know) (=・ω・=)

    donghyuk❤ June 2, 2019 12:51 am
    How about you read more than just the first chapter before you start being too judgmental. It usually takes time to build up too a good manga, not just the first chapter. (And character development does happen ... *lol*

    Nah tbh even I read a little bit past that when it was the story about the high schooler wanting to get an abortion and tbh it seemed as if the doctor was wanting change her mind into having the baby. He kept guilt tripping her saying shit like “most people believe abortion is murder” like imagine saying that to a high school girl? It’s always the woman’s choice in my opinion im pro choice and I hate that the doctor was SUBTLY trying to convince her to have the baby by making her feel bad about her choice.

    男の中の男 June 13, 2019 11:03 am
    Nah tbh even I read a little bit past that when it was the story about the high schooler wanting to get an abortion and tbh it seemed as if the doctor was wanting change her mind into having the baby. He kept g... donghyuk❤

    Whats wrong about stating the truth? Its true that the girl will feel guilty for the rest of her life.

    男の中の男 June 21, 2019 1:27 pm
    I just read the first chapter too, and I feel exactly the same way. As a woman and a mother who has gone through pregnancy and childbirth, I find the doctor to be cruelly judgmental, short-sighted, and lacking ... DaisiesAndLilies

    We have to see things in many pionts of view too. I dont think he is not compassionate since he takes her in with all the risks he could face. He could have refused her and nobody is going to blame him for that since all the hospitals already refused to take her. We are talking about a grown up woman living in a first-world country here, there is no way she has no idea how to access resources . She knows how to get help but she doesnt want to as she stated "I am scared to walk into the city hall" that means she knows exactly where to get help. She runs away from home living with a man who happens to has a girlfriend. She probably doesnt work because she says the man who provides her money and everything runs away when he knows she's pregnant. Somebody needs to say something or else she is going to end up in the same situation again.He takes her in though he might be at risk of getting infected, if she has any disease. He points out what shes done is wrong, and then he gets her the help she needs. I think he's done a good job.

    Sasifras December 2, 2019 6:09 am
    Nah tbh even I read a little bit past that when it was the story about the high schooler wanting to get an abortion and tbh it seemed as if the doctor was wanting change her mind into having the baby. He kept g... donghyuk❤

    That chapter bothered me as well. But as a doctor, he can't mince words. I think he told her the murder line when he realized how much pressure her parents were putting on her. He is biased because he would rather save the child. Though I am still mixed on the chapter, I was glad he was giving her things to think about.

    Anonymous April 26, 2020 6:47 pm
    That chapter bothered me as well. But as a doctor, he can't mince words. I think he told her the murder line when he realized how much pressure her parents were putting on her. He is biased because he would rat... Sasifras

    He wasn't speaking plainly and professionally though, he used personal, emotive language and wasn't speaking in the best interests of his patient. Calling abortion "murder" could see him be struck off and open to enquiry's in other countries. Ditto treating his pregnant patient as if she is a stupid kid who can't understand and have agency over her own situation. This manga has some good points, and shows a lot over the apparent gender roles in Japan, but as others have said, from a female perspective it does come off a bit mansplaining at times, and how all the female characters are having to bear the brunt of everything, whereas the men aren't as criticized for not being involved.