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Oups.. Am i the only one who actually liked this manga? They were so cute and maybe kaede ...

Sayonara July 12, 2017 8:23 am

Oups.. Am i the only one who actually liked this manga? They were so cute and maybe kaede just needed another proof to be able to take the initiative and aknowledge the depth of his feelings more? Let's be honest we all want to test our lovers and sometimes we just go a little overbroad dont tell me u Never flirted with another Guy un front of ur boyfriend just to make him jealous! That aside i think that even the little bit creepy lines of the seme took the story away from clichés and so did his manipulative self a seme who would actually love the uke like crazy and that would literally blind him ( i'm not saying this is the perfect personality of a lover) but dammit if it's not blind it's not that one true love ! i love it so much
