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dog July 16, 2017 4:27 pm

Seeing yul again in 56, I had hope he would have been stronger he was in open he could have called for help his friend would help now things will be bad I think the other brother will try to get to him when he is alone now he will relive hell again what a mess.

    Grein M July 19, 2017 10:35 pm

    I think he's scared of the people he cares for getting hurt or killed. That family is crazy! Wish they translate these chapters so we can better understand what's going on, Lehzin is only up to chapter 11

    Masidera July 26, 2017 9:02 am
    I think he's scared of the people he cares for getting hurt or killed. That family is crazy! Wish they translate these chapters so we can better understand what's going on, Lehzin is only up to chapter 11 Grein M

    They are releasing 2 chapters a week though, so they are trying to catch up.

    Grein M July 26, 2017 7:52 pm

    I'm glad about that! One was posted today. At least with the raws you kinda know what's going to happen, but not 100%