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Bl webcomics

NaomiBB July 17, 2017 6:57 pm

Hmm so I don't know if this is the right place to ask but do you guys have any bl comics to recommend me? Today I just read a webcomic called Always Raining Here and it's so god damn good, I'm obsessed with it : 12/10

    Rainbow July 17, 2017 7:08 pm

    Say it, you can't find it here but it is free

    DatBoi!!! July 17, 2017 7:12 pm

    Transfusion, avialea, tripping over you, there are more good ones at tapastic, like matter of life and death, love lesson, long exposure, nine stones, paper roses, obnoxious hero-kun and others more. Those are the one I remember at the top of my head. ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶