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Stop the hate on Min Gyum!

Fujoshi#1 July 19, 2017 12:25 am

Min Gyum it's really a insecure boy. I understand him. I've been on this situation before. He really believes, no matter how Kim Chun Sam it's good to him that he will someday leave him. This is a serious issue. So stop the hate pls

    Fujoshi_jnu July 29, 2017 2:48 am
    Well basically, that's what I've been doing from the start right? Defending Mingyeom since you' all have been hating him? Isn't that clear? Don't worry idc about my personal life and I don't want you all know a... BACKOFF

    Idk who you were talking to for each point, it's kinda confusing. Anyway, I also think that garbage was a bit too much, we all did a good job on making her understand that, she also admits that she knows it's a bit over the top. We all also understand that you like min gyum or empathize with him, what nobody (at least not me) blames you for. We just don't agree and tried to make you understand why we don't, it doesn't mean that we hate him (he's not a bad character after all) You're entitled to your opinion like everybody else, so you can defend him all you want as much as we can disagree with it all we want too. It doesn't mean that one of our pov is better than the other. We all feel what we feel, and there's nothing wrong with the fact that they might be opposite to the other.

    Quiddisha July 29, 2017 11:53 am

    This person just took everything I was trying not to do and stuffed it into a paragraph saying I did it ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ But whatever man, hope my point went across and I don't mind a little shit talking either (●'◡'●)ノ