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Why is it that every time I tap read the site redirect me to some other site where I read ...

Anonymous July 20, 2017 7:29 am

Why is it that every time I tap read the site redirect me to some other site where I read it but the ads keep popping up which really spoils the fun .. ( T﹏T )

    :-) September 14, 2017 8:14 am

    Instead of adds I was getting kicked out by that site or even worst, I'd get popup "fake " warnings saying that my device was infected by a virus and it prompted me to download something to "solve" the problem. Then someone had suggested that if you sign in to then you will not be sent to that other site anymore. I tried that and I have remained in ever since.

    :-) September 15, 2017 1:19 am
    Instead of adds I was getting kicked out by that site or even worst, I'd get popup "fake " warnings saying that my device was infected by a virus and it prompted me to download something to "solve" the problem.... :-)

    I stand corrected. Right now when I try to read Blue Sky Complex I am being kicked out of the manga and being "told" that my device has Four virus. Next I'm being sent to google play to install an antivirus app of their choice. I know this to be untrue because my device already has an antivirus app installed. So sorry, my idea does not work after all.