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I read the chinese scans and here is what I understand. Continuing from the latest english...

SPOILERS July 20, 2017 3:40 pm

I read the chinese scans and here is what I understand. Continuing from the latest english chapter.
- Minato, Shirakawa, Shen and the doctor ( I think his name is Feng) somewhat agree to share yuuji between them. Feng then pulls yuuji into a room and starts taking off yuuji's cloth. Yuuji is quite reluctant because the patient ( whose his brother wishes that he wouldn't die without knowing a woman) was nearby them. Ofc Feng doesn't care, being the asshole he is. He even ties yuuji's hands to a table (they did it on the table too). Yuuji narrates - "someday soon, I'll getting used to this" poor yuuji. Shen is standing outside the room with a bothered look but he's doing nothing. Minato and Shirakawa then come to see what happened and Feng without any sign of being guilty whatsoever just says "The female sure is good"
Minato approaches Yuuji and Yuuji screams "No, don't look!" (Maybe bcs he's feeling 'dirty' so he doesn't want to show his 'corrupted' body to the man he loves) Minato says nothing but proceeds to hug him as Yuuji starts crying. (Sob)

    Klay338 November 24, 2017 2:39 pm

    Please, continue translating!!!!!

    Barbie February 15, 2018 8:10 am

    I'm literally crying