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Sad cause the story could have ended better July 23, 2017 1:48 am

this is a good and hot story but I was really uncomfortable when the seme continued slamming his dick inside of the poor uke like WHAT it was his first time and everytime he asked for him to be gentle and to stop aND HE DIDN'T??? i felt so bad and i srsly think that the story would have been so much better if the guy had not forced the uke and everything flowed naturally, you know;;

    Grein M August 1, 2017 10:15 pm

    I agree with you!

    Sky May 26, 2018 5:42 pm

    That must freaking hurt a lot. Salute to the ukes/neko/bottom both in rl and fiction world.

    TwitteringBirdOfPrey September 4, 2018 10:31 am

    Totally agree. At least the seme prepared him so it's unlikely that he injured him, but it still hurt, and that uke clearly wasn't the type to enjoy being held down. Yaoi mangaka seem to have this false idea that sex between men has to be painful, so they make it painful on purpose and ignore the uke's feelings