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There is one thing I'm not satisfied with.. Yoshiaki left Izumi because Yoshiaki was being...

Mob Megane July 24, 2017 4:54 am

There is one thing I'm not satisfied with.. Yoshiaki left Izumi because Yoshiaki was being a coward, three months passed and in the end Izumi made the first move again. Every time Izumi was the one that approaching to Yoshiaki. I know Yoshiaki is just a coward but sometimes it felt like he didn't love Izumi enough. What if Izumi didn't say anything at the airport? Yoshiaki would never ever make a move by himself then.
Basically, I don't like how coward Yoshiaki seemed

    Mameiha January 31, 2018 10:00 am

    Yoshiaki wasn't divorced twice for nothing. He wanted "easy" relationships, ones where he only had to invest what he wanted to and reap all the rewards. Love isn't like that. The "cupcakes and rainbows" kind of love doesn't really last past a year or two - why Yoshiaki's marriages were so short - after that, all the "shine has worn off the penny", so to speak, and you have to start actually working together through your problems. I've been married for 22 years and there are days when I love my husband dearly, but I really can't stand him. You can't leap those hurdles on love alone, you have to invest time and effort to keep from just giving up and calling it quits. Before Yoshiaki met Izumi, when those hurdles came up, he got divorced rather than working through the problems by investing time, effort and himself into fixing them. He never really knew what it meant to love until he met Izumi. He finally invested in a relationship when he went to France and brought Izumi back. I don't think love can be measured like water in a glass or money in an account, there's no "enough" or "not enough". If you have love and there are problems in the relationship, what is lacking is not the amount of love but the amount of yourself you're willing to invest into keeping and maintaining that love. When people view love as having an "amount", it devalues the commitment required because anyone can say, "I love you more" and still fail to put any effort forth.

    Blubeagle March 13, 2018 3:39 pm
    Yoshiaki wasn't divorced twice for nothing. He wanted "easy" relationships, ones where he only had to invest what he wanted to and reap all the rewards. Love isn't like that. The "cupcakes and rainbows" kind of... Mameiha

    Thank you! My thoughts exactly! Twenty years of togetherness has taught me that what you're saying is so very very true.

    Mameiha March 14, 2018 9:41 pm
    Thank you! My thoughts exactly! Twenty years of togetherness has taught me that what you're saying is so very very true. Blubeagle

    You're welcome! There is something to be said for experience, yes? LOL

    Blubeagle March 15, 2018 5:30 am
    You're welcome! There is something to be said for experience, yes? LOL Mameiha

    Definitely! ;)