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HappyVirus707 July 26, 2017 3:50 am

Don't you just hate yourself sometimes when you dislike what everyone else likes? :((( I don't like an..."obvious" uke aka the typical shy, cute, not manly, relies on seme too much bottom but everyone I know loooooves them. I just wanted to know I'm not the only one who just feels different opinions (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

    Anonymous July 26, 2017 4:09 am

    I love those kinds of ukes because they remind me of myself, but I know what you mean by disliking something everyone else loves. Whether it's a ship (e.g I dislike Ereri and Reigisa), a manga, a TV makes me sad. I don't like Haikyuu, but so many people love it, that I'm considering giving it another go. I don't like polygamy, I don't like rape, I don't like pedophilia, I don't like incest, but people, especially within the yaoi community (I'm not trying to stereotype, I'm sorry) seem to love that stuff. And the worst part about not liking it is that people view you as a hater and begin attacking you. I once received dozens of death threats for saying I dislike a popular yaoi ship within a community, and the reason I have a hard time enjoying the ship in the first place is because of the people who spent a minute of their life telling me to kill myself because I don't ship the same thing they do.

    Rae July 26, 2017 4:10 am

    Don't hate yourself over something silly like that! We all like different things, just read whatever interests you and don't worry about others.

    ...but I do love me a slutty, takes charge uke.

    Anonymous July 26, 2017 4:34 am

    Honestly, I just like to read yaoi with big muscular ukes or at least toned ones. I haven't really received any pressure from people about it or the ships I like...but if people are doing it to you, then there has to be others who have the same thoughts you do. Don't stay in a community that sends frickin death threats over small opinions on ships.

    HappyVirus707 July 26, 2017 5:09 am

    It's not like I get a lot of hate for disliking something just bothers me a lot when I don't like it. I don't like that my mind doesn't agree with the majority of people. For example, there's a popular ship in one of my fandoms and I don't ship it because I can't see it that way but everyone who's in it ships it and I'm just mad at myself for not thinking that way. I dunno but now that a few people have replied I feel less alone but still pretty alone ( ̄ε(# ̄)

    takame July 26, 2017 5:16 am

    lol don't hate yourself. conforming to what everybody likes but losing your preferences (and individuality) in the process is not worth it. instead, be happy that you are unique. it's okay to be alone. learn to enjoy. there's a charm to it.

    i prefer non-mainstream type of couples and the mangas i like have people complaining most of the time about the pairing. most of the time, i end up liking the unpopular ship

    Rae July 26, 2017 7:25 am

    Having an unpopular opinion is totally okay! Try not to beat yourself up over it. I think it's better to know you don't like something and stick to it rather than just going along with the flow because that's what everyone else is doing. Like takame said, be happy you're unique.