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At first I was like oMG SLOW BURN SIGN ME THE FUCK UP but when he offered to 'comfort' him...

HOLYSHIT July 27, 2017 2:44 am

At first I was like oMG SLOW BURN SIGN ME THE FUCK UP but when he offered to 'comfort' him im like omg I guess this is just like any other yaoi w this type of trope - a disappointment. bUT I WAS WRONG ITS NOT LIKE ANY OTHER YAOI THAT DISGUISES ITSELF AS SLOW BURN BUT APPARENTLY NOT. This manga is indeed a slow burn in its own way. I love that even after that scene they didnt proclaim their love for each other. I love that it took time for them to realize and they dont even need to say those 3 words to let each other know how they feel. I'm just so happy I've read this.
