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It’s sad that in the past the Seme kept treating the Uke as the lackey and when ...

KyoZa April 22, 2013 1:58 pm

It’s sad that in the past the Seme kept treating the Uke as the lackey and when he realized he loved him too then the Uke ran away before knowing that.

After many years, they both still can’t get over each other. The Seme tried so hard to find him. Now they can fulfill each other’s desire, live happily together. I feel happy for them too. If it’s a one shot, ending here is nice as well.

Does anyone in this world have never done any mistake?

    bobateaaddiction April 22, 2013 7:36 pm

    Dear sir,
    This comment was stupid. What is your point exactly? You basically just ruined the entire story.

    Anony April 22, 2013 8:10 pm

    @bobateaaddiction: She is just trying to explain why the seme is not a bad guy like many comments said. Ur being very mean.

    Toto April 23, 2013 7:52 am

    Before you read readers if you don't want a spoiler then don't click the plus on the replied comment thank you