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C'monnn What's wrong with you hating on him because he hates women his own fucking mother ...

Sayonara July 30, 2017 12:28 am

C'monnn What's wrong with you hating on him because he hates women his own fucking mother wouldn't even love him all she does is flirting and when her boyfriend molests her child she gets jealous over her Bf and tells her son that it's best if he dies wtf wtf!!!! Just look at the way she's dressed like a whore(she is tho) in front of her kid .. Children are so affected by their mothers! if i had a father like that i doubt i'm gonna ever take a liking to any man it's just psychological that we want to run away from the things that hurt us even if we know it won't happen again we ought to appreciate how strong he is to get over that traumatic experience he could've turned into a psycho like we see in other similar mangas or in the real world

    Dema August 2, 2017 8:49 pm

    I agree! And you never see him really lash out at a woman either. Get sick? Try to get away? Hell yea, but never strikes out. To me that took a lot of will on his part. Also, I highly doubt he ever got help from a shrink or any body about it. It looks like in the manga he was just taken away and thrown into a, admittedly nice, new life. It's quite amazing he is so normal really!

    Sachiko August 10, 2017 7:04 am
    I agree! And you never see him really lash out at a woman either. Get sick? Try to get away? Hell yea, but never strikes out. To me that took a lot of will on his part. Also, I highly doubt he ever got help fro... Dema

    Exactly. THIS is why Idgaf how misogynistic seeming his thoughts are. He only has one example to base his ideas of what women are like on. And all the associations (hysteria, perfume, flirting, etc) with women have negative connotations for him. Yet he has never lashed out in ANY way. Sounds more gynophobic to me than misogynistic. And gynophobia is MUCH harder to control than misogyny. So anyone who hates on the uke has no idea what's coming out of their mouths.

    Dema August 10, 2017 9:01 pm
    Exactly. THIS is why Idgaf how misogynistic seeming his thoughts are. He only has one example to base his ideas of what women are like on. And all the associations (hysteria, perfume, flirting, etc) with women ... Sachiko

    Thanks! I didn't know the terms for everything myself so I actually learned a bit from you ^_^. But yea, the people hating on him have obviously never had/been around someone with a psychological problem. Without help or a LOT of work you can't get better, and sometimes you never can. Just like how people are arachnophobic some people have phobias we have never heard of, doesn't mean they don't struggle. Poor uke :( he really is nice.