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someone pls recap what's going on with ghandarva >.<

Mikki July 30, 2017 12:45 am

someone pls recap what's going on with ghandarva >.<

    demon13o August 1, 2017 1:54 am

    He is weaker then he once was, fell in love with a human, left the human, refuses to go back to the sura realm, is so weak that it's hard to see him as a king now in [what was that red one's name again....?!] well his eyes, he loves living with the halves, meets the human he fell in love with and is quite baffled on how to go forward. Oh yeah he saved her life from being killed and crossed her name off the death list c: and she doesn't remember pfft.

    Is that good enough?

    Mikki August 7, 2017 12:51 am

    Yes, thank you! :)

    Anonymous October 4, 2017 6:22 am
    He is weaker then he once was, fell in love with a human, left the human, refuses to go back to the sura realm, is so weak that it's hard to see him as a king now in [what was that red one's name again....?!] w... demon13o

    That's precisely why she doesn't remember...? How was she supposed to remember something like that, again...? T.

    demon13o October 5, 2017 2:13 am
    That's precisely why she doesn't remember...? How was she supposed to remember something like that, again...? T. @Anonymous

    It's a side affect, but let's hope things progress well. Would miss to see him be killed off >:

    Sachiko October 7, 2017 6:31 am
    It's a side affect, but let's hope things progress well. Would miss to see him be killed off >: demon13o

    Yes, I do agree, there.