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Yaoi manga help

baka-otaku August 1, 2017 4:16 am

I remember reading a yaoi Manga that had a cowardly uke and asshole of a seme. It starts off with the seme wanting to break up with the uke because he was tired of him, so the uke took a pot or plant (something) and hit him with it only to end up giving him amnesia. Once the seme wakes up the uke tells him he is his lover as a way to tie the seme down to him since he is pretty obsessed with him. Dumb drama happens and the seme becomes suspicious of the uke because his memory is slowly coming back to him and even though they are a couple the seme runs away from the uke only to spend the time away from him with a woman. The uke cries for the seme once he returns to tell the uke something (vaguely remember parts) and then reveals to the uke that he got his memory back and they do it cause yaoi logic. I forgot what happens after but they still end up together (felt bad for the uke). That's all I remember so if anyone knows or somehow understands my dumb summary of the story that'd be great.

    Anonymous August 1, 2017 4:43 am

    Sorry Idk but I'm following

    baka-otaku August 1, 2017 6:01 am

    Yup it was tsugou no ii kimi, even though I hated it I could not get it out of my head! Thanks a ton; also to the recommended one, I already read it a while ago and it was good! Way better than the one I was looking for!