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I'm looking for this really good yaoi...

HappyVirus707 August 1, 2017 5:41 am

Okay so...I've read this yaoi manga long, long, LONG ago and I can't seem to remember the name. So it goes like this (I think):

There are two roommates. One of them is the quiet type with black hair while the other is popular with light/dyed hair(blonde???)and would bring women into their room. I think their beds were next to each other and they split the room in half. Every girl the blonde guy brings is named after the black haired guy and he'd have sex with them knowing full well that the black haired dude hears him moaning out his name. I think it was Aki?

The popular guy has sex practically in front of the quiet one but the quiet one doesn't mind and just continues whatever he was doing. I think he wears headphones to block out moans. Y'all know what it isn't? Please help. (⌒▽⌒)
