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I've read this upto 30 something and tbh it's gotten really borning. I was loving it sooo ...

nelkk August 1, 2017 11:09 am

I've read this upto 30 something and tbh it's gotten really borning. I was loving it sooo much with the S&M play with you know who but then after that it just went downhill with "him" out of the picture.

    Anonymous August 2, 2017 1:00 am
    i hope doona lightens up. i liked her in the beginning, but now im have second thoughts gay _penguins

    Hope she lightens up for what reason? I hope it's because of how she acts with Hanseol...? KT.

    Jaz August 2, 2017 6:55 pm
    I'm really curious to see where it goes after the smut, how the three will deal with each other and if the male dom macking on minho will ever get a boner out of him, with his erectile disfunction and all. and ... @anon

    I forgot about the male dom, I want to know where that's going as well. Seeing some action between him and Minho would certainly be interesting lol. I'd also like to know more about Doona's director since Minho was shocked he was working with her.

    I don't think willing subs will help much, aside from stress relief. Maybe Haesol could help at least with moral support of she's willing to open up to him. Since Doona's block seemed to be caused by her being stuck up on Minho's criticism (which is pretty shitty because she was always better a writer than him), I'm thinking she'll have to resolve things with him to get over it.