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Sob... sob...

An_chan August 1, 2017 11:09 pm

Urghh!! Thats some fucked up shit!!... i just cannt.. seriously its the first time i am regretting not seeing the tag... "Sensei" how could ya!?? My heart just cant.... take it anymore... ┗( T﹏T )┛really first Hibiki died.. i cried... i fucking cried... no matter what i loved him... cuz he just loves dragon to the point of death... then.. when Dragon died Hibiki took him... i was angry at Hibiki... in the end i was satisfied with the death oh Hibikis Bro... but as kazama said those word.... his name.... "Araki Ryuuji" i just couldnt.. take it anymore.... ┗( T﹏T )┛
