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Very good. The story with "George" was probably the saddest in a way for me. The ukes and ...

Kat April 23, 2013 8:48 pm

Very good. The story with "George" was probably the saddest in a way for me. The ukes and semes are hot. Recommended! ^_^

    light September 23, 2013 2:59 pm

    not too sure what to feel about the "george" story, I really didn't like the george character, he thought it was ok to treat them like that, because they were also gay,? I was glad when he said he was going away to another school.
    Overall I really loved the stories, and I'll recommend them:D

    Usako July 20, 2014 4:18 am

    I didn't think George thought what he did because "we are all gay". I thought it was more hero worship, because he was afraid if they both left, the bully's would be after him again (and they were). I think George getting to watch hot sex, was just an added bonus.