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LOVE WILL WIN - opinion

love is love August 2, 2017 5:43 pm

From some comments in hear I feel like people never herd of A Cliff hanger, like seriously? I mean there is no way they are going to brake up! Have you forgotten this hole drama is an extra? Why would an author will make all this in an extra and not in the main story? Plus after all they went thru, there is no way they will just brake up after a little bump on the road, and sure you may say its not "a little bump in the road" its a hole in the ground but that what the author is doing. For a couple to grow stronger and for a relationship, any relationship, to continue for many years and be a strong bound, it must have at leas one little bump on the way and then they should overcome it together, and that what make a connection between people stronger, and sure in those kind of moments you see who IS REALLY by your side and there will be some people who will just cast you aside, BUT in those tow case its not going to happen, they love each each other very deeply, and I don't think Chun-Sam will just brake up with Mingyum without talking to him first and, at least try to solve everything between them.

But you know its just my opinion.
