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I'm having a heart attack

HonestlyIdk August 6, 2017 4:25 am

Sorry this isn't really related to the website or anything but I could seriously die right now. So I was at school and we had to introduce another person in front of the class and I wasn't sure if I should call them 'she' or 'he' but I didn't have time to ask because it was our turn. I was going to use 'they' since I didn't have a chance to ask but I slipped and said "she" but I think I was supposed to use 'he'. I'm having some serious anxiety here I can't even relax over the weekend, I don't know if I offended them but no one in the class laughed or anything but later in the class their friend was texting them I believe, from across the classroom. I feel so humiliated. What should I doooo? Overthinking this? I'm dying, I can't get over it.

    HonestlyIdk August 6, 2017 4:29 am
    This reply was deleted by the author of the post @Anonymous

    Bruh that's not helpful, I mean I think they were transgender but I said "she" because of their name ughhhh kms

    HonestlyIdk August 6, 2017 4:32 am
    Bruh that's not helpful, I mean I think they were transgender but I said "she" because of their name ughhhh kms HonestlyIdk

    I respect what they want to be referred to as also so...

    Cam August 6, 2017 4:35 am
    I respect what they want to be referred to as also so... HonestlyIdk

    just apologize next time you see them and ask what their pronouns are. mistakes happen!

    Anonymous August 6, 2017 4:37 am
    Bruh that's not helpful, I mean I think they were transgender but I said "she" because of their name ughhhh kms HonestlyIdk

    It happens. You didn't know, its a mistake, just apologize to him(?) and use the correct pronouns next time (ask him(?) what pronouns he prefers too...)

    HonestlyIdk August 6, 2017 4:42 am
    just apologize next time you see them and ask what their pronouns are. mistakes happen! Cam

    Yeah, I'm going to. I'm guessing nothing to do about the humiliation I'll feel while walking into class ( ̄∇ ̄")...

    I don't know if I should really be this embarrassed about it though, is it that bad? I wonder if everyone noticed or if anyone will judge me. I wonder if anyone will even remember? Probably it was only 2 days, unless they weren't listening and missed the "she" part. It would be great if there were a scale for this 1-10

    Ahh anxiety <3 Wish I didn't have it, I can't calm down and I am even considering switching out of that class now because it's so bad (Well the class is full anyway, and it's an elective)

    HonestlyIdk August 6, 2017 4:43 am
    It happens. You didn't know, its a mistake, just apologize to him(?) and use the correct pronouns next time (ask him(?) what pronouns he prefers too...) @Anonymous

    Thanks I will

    tokidoki August 6, 2017 5:49 am
    Thanks I will HonestlyIdk

    If this person is using an obviously feminine name, then they identify as female ... just politely ask if you offended

    lily August 6, 2017 6:11 am
    Yeah, I'm going to. I'm guessing nothing to do about the humiliation I'll feel while walking into class ( ̄∇ ̄")...I don't know if I should really be this embarrassed about it though, is it that bad? I wond... HonestlyIdk

    Honestly, i bet the other person is much more embarrassed than u so u should just talk to them so that u both feel at ease.

    HonestlyIdk August 6, 2017 6:20 am
    If this person is using an obviously feminine name, then they identify as female ... just politely ask if you offended tokidoki

    ? Not true? They did have a feminine name but they were transgender and if I had to guess I would think they would prefer to go by "he". I can't assume that with 100% certainty though

    HonestlyIdk August 6, 2017 6:20 am
    Honestly, i bet the other person is much more embarrassed than u so u should just talk to them so that u both feel at ease. lily

    Yes ( ̄∇ ̄")

    Akira August 6, 2017 6:34 am

    i couldn't care less if someone calls me a she or he or they. i would correct them that im a girl but it's a mistake so i wouldn't feel negative towards them. anyone is who feels offended or identifies with a gender that isn't female or male can suck it tbh. sigh anyway i wouldn't lose sleep over something so insignificant. it's a mistake you could make regardless of whether or not they were transgender.

    HonestlyIdk August 6, 2017 6:49 am
    i couldn't care less if someone calls me a she or he or they. i would correct them that im a girl but it's a mistake so i wouldn't feel negative towards them. anyone is who feels offended or identifies with a g... Akira

    Yeah, the person I was talking about seemed pretty cool about it, I mean they didn't correct me but we talked a little after and they didn't seem mad or anything. Although I'm still going to apologize, of course. Honestly I was just worried about what other people in the classroom thought about it from their perspective.