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To me, Yi is free of his sins now. He atoned for his sins by taking the place of the man h...

Anonymous (1) (° ʖ °) August 10, 2017 11:06 am

To me, Yi is free of his sins now. He atoned for his sins by taking the place of the man he loved just so he could be happy with Wann. He gained huge amounts of respect from me when he sacrificed his livelihood to make Al happy. Wann is already a perfect hero. However, the fact that we see Yi commit his own sins and understand/pay for it just makes him more appealing in my eyes. Now, as far as we know, he's suffering in hell with nothing but unrequited love/regrettable past (and to me, the development of a good person).

Personally, I like Yi better than Wann, but I'm sure you could've guessed that. Just because I say that doesn't mean I don't like Wann. Actually, I didn't really see anyone hating on Wann; just people caring about what happens to Yi. And, of course, people wanting Al with Yi but that's not hating; that's just shipping. I honestly don't see the hate. And no one said Yi was free of blame. But I guess all the support for Yi instead of Wann is questionable to some. But, hey, we all have our opinions.
